The Most Accurate Stock Market Timing Service In The World
Find Out What The Market Will Do Next & Make A Fortune
“Alex’s market analyses are some of the most accurate I have seen. He got his subscribers short for the October 2014 correction and covered almost at the nadir. His subsequent call of an early December top of 17,990 was astonishingly accurate. The actual peak was 17,991 followed by a -5% drop. I enjoy his daily updates in which he provides clear price and timing parameters. Predicting both price and time is exceptionally difficult to do and it is a very rare ability amongst technicians. Alex has made me a believer in his cycle method. Overall, an excellent service!”
– Matt Demeter, Demeter Capital
Are You Ready To Make Some Serious Money?
Over the last 10-15 years I have developed highly advanced mathematical work that shows me exactly WHEN
the stock market/stocks will turn.
In Both Price & Time
“Timing Is The Most Important Element. I Am Now Making This Information Available To Others” – Alex Dvorkin
What You Will Learn On This Page
- Why TIMING Is The Most Important Element & Examples
- How The Stock Market Truly Works & My Secret Timing Formula (this information is contained within the 2 Free Chapters of my book).
- How To “TIME” The Market With The Precision Of A Surgeon & Make Millions….Fast
- How Identifying Proper “Timing” Can Skyrocket Your Investment Performance While Minimizing Risk.
- Finally, check out our incredibly accurate market calls. Click Here
The Most Advanced Investment Approach
For All Types Of Investors & Traders
What If You Could Predict Not Only What The Stock Market Will Do
But Exactly WHEN It Will Happen?
Now You Can
Just imagine how much your investment returns would go up if you are able to predict the stock market or individual stocks with incredibly accuracy.
In Both Price & Time
That Is Exactly What We Offer Here.
Dear Reader,
My name is Alex Dvorkin and I am a hedge fund manager, mostly managing my own money, as well as the person behind the body of work presented on this site.
Back in 2006, the work described throughout this site had led to my own demise. Literally. After making a number of very important mathematical breakthroughs I thought that I had finally broke the “stock market code”. Blinded by greed, grandeur and pure stupidity I proceeded to make a lot of money within a relatively short period of time. Only to lose it all after one of my “overconfident” trades blew up in my face. Again, due to my own stupidity and greed.
Shortly thereafter, due to my psychological inability to manage money, I left the investment world to concentrate on my tech startup. That is exactly what I did until January 1st, 2014, when I decided to come back. Over the last few years I have invested a considerable amount of time perfecting my timing work and its accuracy. In addition, I have introduced a number to safety measures to minimize risk. The bottom line is, I believe that my mathematical and timing work is now ready to generate huge returns for all followers. It is my hope you can join us on this journey to the promise land of huge returns and very little risk.
However, before we get there let me tell what this is NOT……
- What I am offering you here is not foolproof. Nothing in investing is foolproof or guaranteed. If you believe in such a thing, please look elsewhere. Market is a very complex entity. At this stage my advanced mathematical and timing work is only 85-90% accurate, but it’s getting better.
- I do not guarantee investment returns. No one can. I am simply indicating and forecasting when and at what price the stock market will turn around. I do fully disclose my fund’s portfolio and all trades, but I leave it up to you, as individual investors, to make your own investment decision.
- I manage my own portfolio and work with a very large hedge fund. I do not accept any money from outside investors. Please do not ask.
What this IS…..
- This work is my blood, sweat and tears over the last 10-15 years. I have spent an incredibly amount of time on the study of financial markets and how they truly work. After learning everything I could about fundamental and technical analysis I found them to be lacking in one important area. TIMING. That is why I have spent the last 5 years of my life doing an in-depth scientific and mathematical research into the area. During that time I have made a number of significant breakthroughs that allow me to predict the market with precision of a surgeon. I do my best to make all of this information available to you here.
- You get all of my knowledge compressed and presented to you in an easy to understand format and trading advice. Daily. Thereafter, you are free to either follow my trading/portfolio strategy or to build your own.
- Following my work gives you the ability to know what the stock market will do in both price and time. On multiple time frames. Giving you the ability to make a lot of money, outperform the market and minimize risk.
It is my hope that the information below answers the rest of your questions.
Thank you……Alex Dvorkin
My advanced mathematical work shows you exactly WHEN…
the markets/stocks will turn.
In Both Price & Time
Please Click On The Book To Learn The Secret Behind
My Advanced Mathematical Approach To The Stock Market Timing
(*** Get the 2 free chapters to fully comprehend what I am doing)
Otherwise, please allow me to get straight to the point. I clearly understand that there are thousands of other subscription advisory services out there. Claiming all kind of things and promising you 1,000% returns within a few days, insider information, unbelievably profitable (and secret) trading strategies, etc…
It is just my hope that you are not gullible enough to believe in such exaggerated claims.
Instead, here is WHY you should choose my investment forecasting & timing service…
- My proprietary and unique timing (mathematical) work allows me to predict the markets with pin point precision. In both time and price.
- As such, I know what the market will do over the long and over the short term. So much so, that in the majority of the times I can identify turning points within hourly resolution and within a few points. Over multiple time frames and well before they occur.
- I am a real fund manager, with real money on the line. Just like you. Plus, I will not be holding anything back. Everything I know, you will know.
- I use an advanced trading strategy designed to minimize risk while maximizing returns. Everything I do in terms of portfolio allocation will be available to you as well.
This type of timing work and forecasting is unavailable anywhere else.
YES, what I am telling you here is that my mathematical and timing work allows me to predict the markets with great accuracy. To the point and to the day. As a result, by subscribing to my service you will be able to make a tremendous amount of money by knowing not only what happens in the future, but most importantly….exactly WHEN.
I believe it is the most advanced approach to investing,making money in the market and accumulating wealth. Why? Well, we combine all of the following disciplines into one.
Fundamental Research
We pride ourselves on our fundamental research. When analyzing individual stocks or industries we immediately dismiss all traditional media, other analysts and popular opinions. Instead, we concentrate on what really matters. Financial statements, management, competition, industry trends, valuation metrics, etc… Thereafter, we bring all of the above together to form our own conclusions.
Trend Following
While for the most part dismissed by most Value Oriented investors we believe trend following is incredibly important. For instance, it would be idiotic to invest in an undervalued issue or the overall stock market if the trend is clearly moving against your position. Doing so would lead to capital losses. As such, we always take trends into considerations prior to making any sort of an investment decision.
Technical Analysis
We use technical analysis to either confirm or to raise red flags in regards to our timing work. Most of the technical analysis field works with a shadow of true market representation. As such, we use technical analysis to confirm our timing work. When technical analysis deviates from our timing work, we take an in depth look to double check our upcoming investment thesis.
Macroeconomic Analysis
We believe that an in depth understanding of our microeconomic environment is a must prior to any capital allocation decision. Again, we dismiss most of the traditional sources and economist to perform such analysis on our own. In addition to confirming our timing work, it gives us a complete understanding of the markets and the economy.
Risk Management & Trading
While we can identify turning points with great precision and well into the future (sometimes to the hour) we continue to follow our strict risk management and trading rules. This helps us avoid large mistakes that can happen outside of our 85-90% accuracy range. In fact, we always require the market to confirm our turning point prior to making an investment decision and/or taking a position.
YET, THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT IS ALWAYS TIMING Timing is the most important element when it comes to stock market investing or investing in general. We apply our timing analysis to confirm our overall market or individual issue investment thesis. Basically, timing becomes our primary investment analysis tool. We then proceed to use timing to confirm all of the above. WHY? The stock market is not random as most people believe. It is a exact. Just as every element in existence has a structure behind it, so does the stock market. That structure can be determined though the use of proper mathematical models. Once the structure is understood, exact forecasts (well into the future) can be made. Thereafter, once we know what the stock market is going to do with the precision of a surgeon, we can make much better investment decisions. Basically, most of the guesswork, uncertainty, volatility and risk associated with investing is taken out of the equation. |
To gauge a full understanding and extent of my work I encourage you to read my book Timed Value. You can get 2 free chapters on Timing and/or you can purchase the book Here. If you don’t like it, send me an email and I will refund it in full.
To summarize the findings within the book. The market is not random or volatile. On the contrary, it is exact and predictable. I perform my analysis thought highly advanced mathematical work. Particularly, as I explain in the book, the stock market is not a 2-dimensional entity, changing price over time, but a much complex system that moves in 3 or more dimensions.
Once the market structure is fully understood in such an environment, one can make exact forecasts well into the future. The time frame becomes to a certain extent irrelevant. An analyst working with this type of analysis would be able to predict the market with astonishing accuracy one week or 10 years into the future.
Let me give you just one example to prove my point. Please note the measurements below are in 3-Dimensional Value units. (please get the book or free chapters for better understanding).
Let’s take a quick look at the real stock market example to see the amazing precision this particular technique can offer us.
I cannot overstate how amazing this chart is. Just a few points.
- As we have already discussed, the move between 1994 bottom and 2000 top was 11,832 3-DV UNITS. The Dow topped at exactly 11,866 in January of 2000. Amazing!!!
- The up move between 1994 bottom and 2000 top was 11,832 3-DV UNITS. The down move between 2000 top and 2002 bottom was 6,483 3-DV UNITS. When you combine both values together you end up with a value of 18,315 3-DV UNITS. The move took 9 years.
- The up move between 2002 bottom and 2007 top was 10,156 3-DV UNITS. The down move between 2007 top and 2009 bottom was 8,137 3-DV UNITS. When you combine both values together you end up with a value of 18,293 3-DV UNITS. The move took 7 years.
To summarize, the combined move took 16 years and there was only 22 3-DV UNITS of variance between two sections. This variance over the 16 year period of time can be attributed to as little as 2 trading days and a few hundred points on the Dow. This example alone should put to rest all claims that the stock market is random and unpredictable. Once again, when we identify the exact structure of the stock market through using our 3-Dimensional analysis we can time the market with great precision.
For example, if we understand the structure above we know that the move between 2002 bottom and 2009 bottom will be identical in 3-DV UNITS of the move between 1994 bottom and 2002 bottom. Just by having this information alone one should be able to figure out the stock market with great precision. Further, once we have hit the 2007 top on the DOW, any analyst using this technique knows that the upcoming down move will be exactly 8,127 3-DV UNITS. (18283-10156=8,127)
That would mean that once the 2007 top is confirmed you would know exactly where the market would bottom. So, while everyone is freaking out in the late 2008 and early 2009 you are either shorting the market and making a lot of money or you are setting yourself up for the upcoming bull market that you know will start in March of 2009. Same thing or calculations apply to the December 31st, 2013 top on the Dow Jones.
I hope this clearly illustrates how powerful this 3-Dimensional analysis can be. Also, please keep in mind that the example above is just a tiny sample of the information available to you once 3-Dimensional analysis is performed. Again, once the market structure is fully understood you would know not only where but WHEN the market would turn.
Need More Information? Get 2 free chapters of my book.
This Approach Works Wonders For Everyone
Novice or Amateur |
Professional Traders & Investors |
You don’t really have to do much outside of following my portfolio allocation & trading advice. Simply follow what I do and that in itself should generate huge returns for you over time. | Once you know what the stock market is going to do and/or where the next turning point is you can run your own investment strategies in order to benefit from the upcoming moves . |
Plus, I can think of many other benefits. Here are just a few.
- Ability To Outperform The Market & Other Money Managers By A Large Margin.
- Ability To Generate Outsized Returns.
- Ability To Make A Lot Of Money.
- Ability To Avoid & Profit In Bear Markets.
- Ability To Minimize Risk Through The Use Of Exact Forecasts and Trading Rules.
- Ability To Know What The US Economy and Financial Markets Will Do Over The Next Few Years or Decades. (giving you ample time to make necessary personal and/or business adjustments).
Plus, many other…….
Here Is What You Get.
- Stock Market Timing and Directional Forecasts: Long term and short term. Identifying future turning points. Based on my timing work. Updated weekly.
- End Of Day Updates: Based on my trading strategy and my timing work.
- Portfolio Access & Trading History: Access to my portfolio and my trading strategy. Shared as soon as trades occur.
- Intraday Updates & Trading: On the need to be basis and/or when the market is moving fast.
- Monthly Stock Pick: I will present you with the best investment or trading opportunity that I was able to find during the month, plus a complete analysis.
- All emails are answered within 24 hours.
Full Access & Transparency
That is why my timing work and my services are unmatched.
My Offer To You.
Instead of hyping up what I can do and my advanced mathematical/timing work, I will let you test my work and research for 14-days…risk free and for FREE. Thereafter, my service is just $249/year.
Plus, because you were invited directly by one of our current subscribers, you will get two additional benefits…..
- You will save $50 per year off of our regular price of $299/year.
- You will avoid our time consuming waiting line and subscriber application process.
This offer is unavailable anywhere else. Please subscribe below to see if this is the right fit for you. If you don’t believe I deliver as per my outline above or if you don’t like the service for any other reason, simply let me know before your 14-day trial is over and your credit card will never be charged. Otherwise, cancel at any time. It is as simple as that.
Plus, A FREE Bonus
(Sign Up Now and Receive A Free Copy Of My TIMED VALUE Book & Video)
Selling For $49.99 on Amazon…Yours Absolutely Free
To Start Your Free Trial Please Click On The PayPal Button Bellow
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I have subscribed to many investment newsletters over the years. None of them come close to what you have done so far considering the price. I really enjoy your daily and weekly updates. While I pick my own stocks, your turning points are incredibly helpful. For the most part we are flying blind so it’s always great to know what the market will do in the future. It would be great if you can give us an annual forecast, but I understand your hesitation. Congratulations on the job well done. Keep it up…..
Jim A.
Chicago, IL
I was very skeptical at first. I mean, come on. Timing the market? Even Warren Buffett tells people that timing the market is impossible. My point of view changed when the market ran right into your turning point on February 19th, 2014 at the exact price and time you have described a week earlier. I have never seen anything like that before. How is that possible? I told myself there is no way it’s going to happen and then boom, the market runs right into your target and that’s the exact spot where a multi week massive stock market rally stops. How do you do it? I can’t tell you how incredibly excited I am about this. If your future turning points are as accurate as this one I will be making a bank. It’s nice to know exactly where we are and how to approach the market. Cheers Mate!!!
Terry V.
Melbourne, Australia
Thank you for getting back to me and explaining your forecast in a more detailed fashion. It makes a lot more sense now. I have been using technical analysis and elliot wave over the last few years while trying to short the market. Unsuccessfully, I might add. After your explanation I am reconsidering my entire approach. Now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense. I will be implementing your turning points into my system to see if that makes a difference.
Mark D.
Los Angeles, CA
I am still scratching my head. Not sure how you are able to do it, but your forecasts have been spot on thus far.
Andrew K.
Fort Worth, TX
For the first time in my life I am starting to understand what the market is doing and why it is doing it. Thank you Alex. Great daily updates and trading advice. I haven’t yet taken any of the positions you describe, but I am getting ready. It gives me a lot of comfort knowing that I will be taking the same positions as you will. Plus, I like your approach to risk management. I think waiting for a confirmation and having exact points of entry and exit are good ideas.
Aaron T.
New York, NY
Q. Is Your Work Similar To Elliot Wave?
A. Elliot Wave is too simplistic as the stock market structure is a lot more complicated. Elliot Wave picked out a repeating pattern out of the stock market structure and then applied it to everything. It is a good pattern and I know exactly why that pattern occurs. Yet, EW work represents about 5% of my work. Same thing with the Dow Theory. And I am being generous. Both systems look at pattern recognition. That is not enough. Again, the stock market is a much more complex entity. It moves in multi-dimensional space, tracing out points of force. When we apply mathematics, we begin to see its exact structure, giving us the ability to make exact forecasts into the future. Elliot Wave doesn’t do that. Not even close.
Q. Is Your System Fool Proof?
A. Yes and No. It’s hard to explain, but the stock market is a dynamic “Life” entity. Through the use of mathematics we can predict it with great accuracy. However, at this stage it is only 85-90% correct as I am not 100% done putting all of the pieces together. Yes, we can get incredibly accurate results, but we (as investors and traders) must always be ready to adjust our position in 10-15% of the cases where our work is incorrect. That is why market confirmations become incredibly important. By implementing proper positioning and trading technique we can bring our level of accuracy to about 95%. Plus, I am working hard on the remaining 5%.
Q. Where Can I Learn More?
A. You can buy my book Here.
Q. Who can benefit from either learning this system or following you?
A: Everyone! Let me explain – whether a you are a beginner, a passive 401K investor, a market enthusiast, a sophisticated investor or a professional trader/investor… you can benefit greatly from using Timed Profits. Simply put, you will know, well into the future, exactly what the stock market is going to do. And that will allow you to minimize risk while increasing returns.
The best part is, ANYONE can do this. If you are beginner you can simply follow my lead, trades and portfolio allocation. If you are an experienced market practitioner, you can build or implement your own investment strategy around my forecasts.
Q: How is Timed Profits better than any other newsletter, subscription or advisory service?
A: As of right now I am aware of only one other person on the face of this Earth who processes this same knowledge. And he is not talking.
Please understand, this is not a simple approach where I use technical, fundamental, trend, etc…. analysis that everyone else uses to predict the markets. My work is incredibly unique, highly structured and precise. I use mathematical analysis that goes well beyond typical stock market analysis. As a matter of fact, it is in a league of its own. I approach the stock market from a completely different vantage point and as such provide incredibly accurate forecasts. In short, I am different because I can predict the markets with precision of a surgeon. I am not aware of anyone else who can do the same.
I suggest that you try the service first. If you disagree with any of the above after the fact, please cancel before your trial period is over.
Q: I have tried other similar offers with similar promises, but I have not experienced the results I expected. Why would your system be any different?
A: Few programs have the scientific and mathematical backing that I offer. Plus, there is no way I would risk my personal credibility and my multi-million dollar hedge fund business by offering you something that doesn’t work as I say it does.
Here is what I suggest. Please get and read my book to fully understand what it is that I do when it comes to the stock market analysis and timing. If you have any interest thereafter, I suggest that you register for our premium service free trial and see for yourself. If you don’t believe it’s for you or if you don’t believe I deliver, simply cancel before your trial period is up and you will never be charged. My work speaks for itself. It is as simple as that.
“If you don’t believe I deliver as per my outline above or if you don’t like the service for any other reason, simply let me know before your 14-day trial is over and your credit card will never be charged. Now, would I offer such a deal if my work didn’t perform as per my exact specifications above? I don’t think so”. – Alex Dvorkin
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My Recent Market Calls
(to see more recent calls please Click Here)
December 26th, 2014 top call: My subscribers knew as early as mid December that the Dow is likely to top out on December 27th at 18,100 (+/- 50 points). The Dow topped out on December 26th at 18,103. I started to build into my short positions as soon as various technical confirmations arrived. By January 31st, 2015 the Dow was down 5.2%.
December 5th, 2014 top and December 16th, 2014 bottom calls: A forecast was provided in November that the Dow is likely to top out in early December at 17,990 (+/- 50 points). The actual top was hit on December 5th at 17,991. Once a technical confirmation was received, I started to initiate a short position. December 16th was then identified as a potential bottom in both price and time. As soon as a confirmation was received, all short positions were covered. No long positions were established at the time due to a large upside gap and the forecast above (upcoming top).
January 2014: 10-Year Note: Position originated on January 2,2014. Still holding (Dec. 2014) as per our long-term forecast.
2014 FORECAST SUMMARY: Please see explanation below.
- Top identified. Decline anticipated.
- Bottom identified. Bounce predicted.
- Wedge identified. Top identified in both price/time. Sell-off predicted.
- Bottom anticipated and identified.
- Top identified. Short position established.
- Bottomed identified. Short position covered, long position established.
- Long position liquidated. What most people don’t realize is how close we came to a 1987 style “stock market crash” sequence initiation at this point. We were literally 2 days away from confirming a market crash. And even thought the crash didn’t materialize, it is nice to know when a possible crash can develop. No other service can do that. (No short position was established as there was no confirmation).
- Top predicted and identified. Short position established and subsequently covered around December 16th bottom.
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Please Note: After your PayPal transaction completes you should receive an email from InvestWithAlex containing your account registration link within 2-5 minutes. If you do not receive this email, please check your SPAM folder. If you do not have your “Registration Email” in either your inbox or SPAM folder after 30 minutes please contact us directly and let us know. Thank you.