How To Develop Business Ideas

business_ideasContinuation from yesterday……Typically, I concentrate on Three Primary categories that I am already involved in.  Although the process would be the same if I was generating NEW business ideas. For instance, here are some ideas from today’s session in all three of my categories.

1. Ideas to improve my existing businesses.  (3-4 daily ideas)

  • I should allow insiders to post valuable information in regards to publicly traded companies on my website. That should drive a lot of traffic to the site.
  • I should add a self managed advertising platform for users of our project. (Project is scheduled to be re-launched in January).
  • Start researching a possible short position in FORD Motor Co. (F). Should the US economy and financial markets decline as anticipated, Ford should decline at X multiple to the market.

2. Ideas from media reports, publications or something that I have seen around.  (3-4 ideas)

  • Robotics should become a huge growth industry over the next 10-20 years. Maybe I can create a robotic fan. It would operate in the similar fashion to the robotic vacuum.  It would follow me wherever I would go inside the house, providing me with a constant stream of fresh air.
  • A lot of war veterans are committing suicide.  I can build a recovery center in the Philippines that would help them to get better from the psychological perspective.  While at it, the same facility can help veterans with job retraining.  Maybe I can get the US Military or the US Government to pay for the program.
  • English teaching schools are incredibly popular in China. Yet, not many in China are teaching western world financial literacy and/or how to invest in the stock market. What if I can combine the two into one in order to offer the Chinese people a new way to learn English. Increasing their future wealth and earning capacity in the process.

3. Ideas from my Idea Matrix. (3-4 Ideas) 

Below is my randomly generated idea matrix for today.

Business Cards Smart Phone Kitchen
Cloud Boxing Car
Chemical Engineering Revolution Dog
Candle Beautiful Girl Stapler
Sandwich China Medical Center

Here are the four ideas I got from the matrix in about 5 minutes.

  • Business Cards + Smart Phones: Create a thin digital LCD and memory package that would act as a business card. When someone picks up your card they would be able to immediately learn more about you while initiating various interactions.
  • China + Beautiful Girls: China has a huge demographic problem. There is a lot more men than women. And all of the men desperately want a beautiful girl on their arm. Create a matchmaking service that would supply wealthy Chinese men with beautiful “marriage material” type of girls. A premium and an expensive service. Not a typical dating site.
  • Smart Phones + Dogs: To create a smart phone type of a device for dogs. American culture is obsessed with dogs. A small and inexpensive cell phone type of a device would be attached to a dog’s collar. It would then send you various updates, pictures of your dog, etc… to your PC or to your smart phone.  At the same time you would be able to call the phone and it would answer. You would have the ability to say “Hey buddy” (or whatever else) and your dog would hear your voice.
  • Gourmet Sandwiches + Dogs:  Create a delicious and a nutritious line of sandwiches for dogs. Owners and dogs alike will love it. You can start with one store and then mass market the idea to large retailers if the concept works.

Are these the best 10 ideas I could come up with in 30 minutes?

To Be Continued On Monday…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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