Trump’s Playboy Hooker To Trigger War With Iran?

Just when you think Trump is doing an Okay job in certain respects (like meeting with Putin) he proceeds to jump off the deep end.

I ask, WTF does that mean Mr. Trump? 

Pentagon’s own reports suggest that a conventional war with Iran is unwinnable. So, are you threatening millions of innocent people in Iran who pose no threat to the US (and never will) with nuclear annihilation?

What kind of a leader uses such a language or are you simply trying to deflect attention from yet another Playboy hooker you fucked at the some rich folks party?

The issue with all of the above is as follows. Sooner rather than later a playground bully runs into someone who is more than willing to fight back. As is the case with China and Trump’s idiotic trade war there.

Now, Iran is actually looking forward to the latter while calling Trump out.

Disgrace for all involved.
