3 Days Ago – Russian Top Brass Warn Al-Nusra, Free Syrian Army Plotting Chemical Attacks In Syria

Watch the video above. We are not there yet, but we are getting there really fast.

I am not very smart, some would even say I am an idiot, but lets use this fact to our advantage when we try to analyze current events.

So, Assad, with help from Russia, has basically won the war in Syria. Something we have analyzed here on numerous occasions.

So much so that President Trump has announced last week of Trump call for quick withdrawal from Syria faced unanimous opposition from top officials: report

Now, this is where it gets interesting. As mentioned on numerous occasions on our sister site,, Russian and Syrian government have warned of an upcoming false flag chemical attack in Syria by opposition forces to draw the US back in. Russian top brass warn al-Nusra, Free Syrian Army plotting chemical attacks in Syria

And that brings us to this……

Trump threatens “Animal Assad,” Putin over alleged chemical attack in Syria

Now, I know that this is incredibly hard, but lets go ahead and put our critical thinking hats on. Or, as CIA would call it, tin foil hats.

Russia and Syria have won the war. They are probably just a few months away from consolidating 100% of the country under their control. The US is leaving and warmongers are screaming bloody murder.

Once again, why in the world would Russia/Syria stage a chemical attack against their own people?

This is lunacy and they wouldn’t. 

Who would, assuming there was an attack at all? Well, follow the money of outspoken warmongers in Washngton, Military Industrial Complex, Israel and Saudi Scumrabia.

Conclusion, the Deep State isn’t even trying to hide this BS in their ever constant drive for war and bloodshed. The problem is, the next war will end us all. As Was Clearly Outlined Here. 
