Charles Nenner – Choose Your War !!!

An interesting point of view from Charles Nenner. 

As you know, yours truly have been suggesting that Is Russia About To Strike Back? and Is Something Bad About To Happen? 

I don’t particularly agree with Charles on many aspects of his forecast, but I do agree that something big is indeed coming over the next 2-12 weeks. 

Actually, I find today’s macro environment quite fascinating and infinitely complex. I can typically read today’s environment quite clear, but today’s setup has left me dumbfounded. 

The “normies” are beginning to realize we are witnessing Kabuki Theater. 

The real question is ………who is actually in charge? If anyone.

The list of possibilities is endless. Unrest at home, terrorist attacks, assassinations, war with Russia – perhaps a limited nuclear exchange, war with China, a nuclear disaster in the Middle East, etc…. 

Pick your poison. 

One thing is certain, at least in my view, something bad is about to happen. Our oil/gold/market forecasts tend to support this notion.