All Hail “Single Greatest Agreement Ever Signed”

10/1/2018 – A mixed day with the Dow Jones up 192 points (+0.73%) and the Nasdaq down 9 points (-0.11%) 

The stock market finds itself at an incredibly important juncture. Things are about to move. If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here. 

Not entirely sure if we should cry or laugh here. Feel free to do both……

Trump Hails “Single Greatest Agreement Ever Signed”

The previous (more current) article shows Canada is exempt as well. Nothing changed vs NAFTA.

Wins and Losses

  • Trump won a minor concession on dairy.
  • Auto manufacturers are spared disastrous tariffs, but that is the status quoa vs NAFTA.
  • No job wins. No job losses.
  • Based on new rules, there might be supply chain disruptions, a clear loss.
  • Union leaders are lukewarm to the deal. They did not think it went far enough.
  • If there is an increase in price due to labor provisions, it will be a direct loss to consumers who will pay a higher price or manufacturers who will eat the cost increase. Most likely, consumers will take a hit, if anyone does.


The deal tweaked some things resulting in a small win for US dairy farmers. The rest keeps the status quoa vs NAFTA with a potential win for unions at the expense of consumers. If, so, that is a larger net-negative.

This we hail as the “Single Greatest Agreement Ever Signed

In other words, Trump’s 10th dimensional chess game becomes apparent. President Trump creates a huge stink/problems where none exist (Iran, N. Korea, NAFTA, etc…), then claims insignificant and superficial victories over the subject. Of course, proclaiming them to be the greatest victories of all time in the process.

Just as he has already claimed the ownership of the largest “Everything Bubble” in human history. Unfortunately for him, that one is as real as it gets.

If you would like to find our exactly when the stock market will crater, based on our mathematical and timing work, in both price and time, please Click Here
