American Heist Was Intentional – Where Is My Pitchfork

Another mixed day with the Dow Jones up 197 points (+0.79%) and the Nasdaq down 1 point (-0.01%)

Today’s market action was incredibly important. First, I believe it resolves the conundrum that we have been talking about here over the last few days. Particularly, the divergence between TIME and our price/time calculations. The Dow is clearly looking for a……..

If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here. 

We have two incredibly important subject matters to discuss today.

More Lies From The Corrupt Elite

For two decades the offshoring of American jobs to Asia and Mexico has destroyed the careers and incomes of tens of millions of US citizens, the pension tax base for state and local governments, the federal tax base for Social Security and Medicare, and the opportunity society that once characterized the United States of America.

The rise in corporate profits that resulted from substituting foreign labor for American labor rewarded corporate executives and boards, hedge funds, large shareholders, and Wall Street with profits at the expense of the American population and the US economy.

The low rates of economic growth claimed since the alleged recovery from the 2008 financial crisis that resulted from financial deregulation, a huge mistake made by politicians in service to capitalist greed, is based entirely on under-measuring inflation. Allegedly, Americans have suffered no inflation for a decade, but anyone who buys anything knows that that is a lie. What jobs offshoring did is to destroy the growth in productivity based US consumer purchasing power that drove the US economy. In short, the short-sighted executives, boards, and Wall Street have impaired aggregate demand in the US.

Paul Craig Roberts is dead on in his latest analysis. If you are still able to generate free and independent thoughts in your heavily influenced brain, I highly encourage you to read it in full.

Researchers Warn Income Inequality In US Getting Worse, It Was “Intentional”

While EPI warns that the overall income inequality trend is intact and getting worse, we remain troubled why the Trump administration continues to push economic propaganda of the “greatest economy” on record. At some point, the American people are going to awaken from their MAGA daze and realize that economic gains were only made by the top 1 percent, that is when the disappointment phase will be ushered in. However, there is new talk about Trump tax cut 2, as if, more of the same will work…

Here is what I find absolutely fascinating. Most Americans could care less about any of this. They either don’t understand or they simply don’t care.

Yet, the future is bleak. First, most Americans will be kicked in their teeth economically when the “Everything Bubble” finally collapses. As time goes on, more of American freedoms and liberties will be taken away. Only to be replaced by mindless social media and fake news experiences.

Then, it will get better or worse, depending on you outlook on things. When the Nuclear Holocaust World War 3 finally hits all of the above will wiped away. Along with most Americans, of course.

Now, before you dismiss the above is crazy, understand something very important. The rich are building Doomsday Bunkers  in droves while you are eating up Fake News BS.

And don’t tell me that you were not warned. If you would like to find out exactly when all of the above fires off, in both price and time, please Click Here 
