Bridgewater Associates Secret To Success

ray dalioIt is good to be back.

While every analyst and investor stressed out over what Janet Yellen would say, a truly golden piece of advice slipped by almost unnoticed. Ray Dalio, billionaire founder of $160 billion hedge-fund behemoth Bridgewater Associates, shared his secret to investment success.

Ray Dalio: More than anything else, I attribute my success to one thing

“When I look back at my life, I am happy to have had what most people would consider a successful life, not only in terms of business, but in my relationships and in lots of ways.  More than anything else, I attribute it to meditation—partially because of the creativity, partly because of the centeredness.  TM has given me an ability to put things in perspective, which has helped a lot.  I think meditation has been the single biggest influence on my life.”

I highly recommend reading the article above in full. If you recall, I have written about this topic before How Meditation Can Improve Your Investment Returns

In short, I have made meditation a part of my daily routine and I swear by it. Investors and traders deal with incredible psychological pressures throughout the day, and mediation is the only positive tool available to lessen the burden.

And if Ray Dalio believes that mediation is the key to his success, it might be time to consider it.


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