California Is Dying. Snowpack At 500 Year Low

california snowpack investwithalex

I do quite a bit of open ocean swimming in San Diego and I don’t remember a time when the water temperature has been this warm for this long. Last year it stayed well above 60 degrees into January. Typically the temperature falls back to around 55 degrees by mid November. This year, it is even warmer. Thus far.

This is stunning…….

And what do our current and future political leaders care about? Well, Mr. Obama is hell bent on destabilizing the Middle East while going out of his way to pick a fight with Russia and China. Hillary Clinton is obsessed with an apparent rape epidemic on college campuses (what?). The Republican primary, a circus without a head clown, is hell bent on gay marriage while denying any scientific evidence of a man made climate change.

And Janet Yellen? Well, Janet Yellen is just trying to keep today’s stock market and economic bubbles from imploding. For just a little bit longer.

How did we end up here? I have no idea, but grab some popcorn and sunscreen. It’s going to be a hot one. I am just curious what happens to the California’s Real Estate Bubble 2.0 when the state runs out of water and interest rates push higher. Most likely at the same time.


California Is Dying. Snowpack At 500 Year Low Google