European Union to Buy USA

Bloomberg Writes: The U.S. Economy Is Turning European

United States Of Europe Investwithalex

The U.S. economy is getting as bad as Europe at bouncing back from recessions and generating jobs, and a decrease in societal trust may be a big factor, according to a research paper presented today at the Brookings Institution.

The paper is called “Amerisclerosis? The Puzzle of Rising U.S. Unemployment Persistence,” and it’s by Olivier Coibion of the University of Texas at Austin and Yuriy Gorodnichenko and Dmitri Koustas of the University of California at Berkeley.

Amerisclerosis is the economic version of atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries—a disease that contributes to heart attacks and strokes. In the 1980s, economists coined the term Eurosclerosis to describe Europe’s malfunctioning jobs market. The U.S. is going the same direction, the authors say.

Read The Full Article Here

Amerisclerosis.  Seriously??? Is that the best US Economist can come up with?

I am not sure why so many smart people find it so difficult to understand our current economic environment and/or lack of economic growth/improvement. It is as easy as 1-2-3.

1. We exist in an artificial Credit Finance Economy:  Meaning that whatever recovery we have seen was financed not by real money, but “out of thin air” printed money to sustain the US Economy and to prevent a collapse/recession. The velocity of that money is slowing down now and the US Economy will soon roll over into a recession.

2. Robotics and Outsourcing: Brace yourself over the next 10-20 years. Whatever jobs robots can do or that can be outsourced  will disappear over that time frame. Nothing can be done about it. With real unemployment/underemployment already as high as 15-20% in the US, it doesn’t bode well for the overall economy.

3. Structural Problems: There are so many that I will just mention a few. Attempted currency debasement, healthcare, artificially low interest rates, unemployment, housing bubble, cost of education, car sales bubble, etc….  Of course most of these can be directly tied to issue #1 above.

Until these 3 issues are dealt with, the US Economy is not going anywhere. The only way to deal with it is to stop insane fiscal policies by the FED and the Federal Government and let the US Economy go through a severe recession and defaults.

Unfortunately, no one in the US Government has the balls to do just that as they all practice their can kicking ability. Since that is the case I would expect the US Economy to slowly decline over the next decade to further deteriorate the American standard of living.

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Worlds Largest Hedge Fund Confirms, Epic Credit Bubble Is About To Blow Up

CNBC Writes: Blackstone: We’re in an ‘epic credit bubble’

too much credit investwithalex

One of the world’s largest investment firms believes the financial system is overly leveraged.

“We are in the middle of an epic credit bubble, in my opinion, the likes of which I haven’t seen in my career in private equity,” Joseph Baratta, The Blackstone Group (BX)’s global head of private equity, said Thursday night at the Dow Jones Private Equity Analyst Conference in New York City. “The cost of a high yield bond on an absolute coupon basis is as low as it’s ever been.”

“We’re not just levering up U.S. GDP into multiples today,” Baratta said. “I do expect mean reversion to happen at some point on interest rates, on credit spreads, on the cost of some investment grade corporate credit.”

The high valuation of many companies today makes it harder for them to grow. “The biggest risk to returns of this vintage is that exit multiples are depressed,” Baratta said.

Read The Full Article Here

I strongly agree with Blackstone on this point.  In relative terms we are in the largest credit bubble mankind has ever seen. The situation we find ourselves in now is like a very bad runaway science experiment that cannot be stopped.

How will it end? No one knows, but the outcome cannot be pretty. What we have experienced in 2007-2009 was just a preview. Now that the credit bubble is much bigger only time will tell us how this experiment will end.  Perhaps with a bang or perhaps with an extended period of economic suffering.

What I do not agree with is that Blackstone doesn’t necessary see it as a problems by indicating that they are still bullish on the economy. The only reasons we haven’t seen the full impact of this massive credit bubble is because “so far” the Fed has been able to control the interest rates. As soon as the Fed losses this control (and they will) the interest rates will zoom up.  At that point anticipate the credit bubble to implode and take the housing market, the stock market, car sales, retails sales and the overall economy down with it.

So, what’s the point here? I am not the only crazy person running around and screaming that we are in a massive credit bubble that is soon to explode. World’s largest hedge fund believes that much as well. As such, you have been warned. 

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The Future of Gold

investwithalex gold


People keep asking me about Gold and other precious metals.

Short Answer:  I have no idea. I am too stupid to understand the metals in order to predict them.

Longer Answer: I have studied Gold for a while now and have heard every bullish and bearing argument for or against it. I understand inflation, deflation, safety and currency issues associated with precious metals. However,  I cannot put a complete analysis together in order to give you a legitimate answer.

Basically, precious metals are too complicated.  Some people see it as money, others as inflation/deflation hedge, then you have fundamental/industrial demands for the metals, then there are national reserves, etc….

All of those points are easy enough individually, but when you put them all together you get a lot of interference and noise without any clear direction. Perhaps it is easier for other people to understand, but it simply does not make sense for me.

I cannot see any fundamental reasons for owning gold.  Is it a hedge against inflation/deflation?  Not really. I would rather hold US Dollars in a deflationary environment and a portfolio of inflation protected stocks in an inflationary environment. Plus, the long term gold chart doesn’t look good from a technical stand point. It is either showing a sideways movement or a breakdown.

investwithalex gold chart

Can Gold and other precious metals appreciate significantly here? Sure, but they can also break down. Once again, I have no idea, nor do I find myself qualified to issue an appropriate opinion. 

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Warning: Top Investors Expect Market Collapse

Business Week Writes:  Investors are buying high, yet again.

investors are stupid investwithalex

Sell low, buy high. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Investors have indulged that predilection time and again—most recently piling into the stock market just ahead of collapses in 2008 and 2001. Now it seems as if everyone again wants in big, even as the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index has rallied 150 percent from its lows, corporate profits and cash hoards are at records, and the Federal Reserve has expanded its balance sheet to nearly $4 trillion. Equity funds drew $26 billion in the week ended September 18, breaking the previous record set six years ago, according to EPFR Global, which tracks investor flows. Domestic stock funds notably took in just under $17 billion of that total.

FED balance sheet at $4 Trillion is downright scary.  This is how market tops are set.

And with such timing: U.S. shares hit record highs on Wednesday, the last day of EPFR’s reporting period, after the Fed said it would hold off from tapering its bond purchases. The market is up 20 percent this year and has jumped by a third just since last summer, having gone without a correction since 2011. The tech-laden Nasdaq is up 25 percent in 2013, visiting highs unseen since the starry-eyed turn of the century.

In a show of “you buy/we sell,” companies are racing to go public (Chrysler, anyone?). At least 200 firms are gearing to have their IPOs this year, the most since 2007. Meanwhile, in the interest of full and fair disclosure, buyout shops might want to rebrand as sellout shops, so eager have they been to cash out.

If history teaches us anything, this is a clear indication that the market is close to a top. Insiders realize that the market is overpriced and are trying to cash out.

Similarly, some legendary pros say they are in no rush to join the recent buying stampede. “Stocks were very cheap five years ago, ridiculously cheap,” Warren Buffett last week said. “That’s been corrected . . . . We’re having a hard time finding things to buy.”

I confirm this. Everything is too expensive. I cannot find anything to buy outside of a few special situations (here and there) and technically driven plays.

“Right now,” remarked Carl Icahn, “the market is giving you a false picture. The market tells you that you are doing well, but I don’t think a lot of companies are doing that well. They are taking advantage of very low interest rates. So, obviously, you don’t have to be a financial genius to understand if I can borrow at 3 percent or 4 percent and buy assets maybe my own stock that is yielding 9 percent, 10 percent, or 11 percent, I am going to make a lot of money. In one sense or another that is what is going on . . . I do think at [the market’s price-to-earnings ratio] of 17 that you have to be pretty well hedged.”

Bingo Mr. Icahn. That is exactly what is going on. Everyone is playing this stupid carry trade financial shell game. As of right now the music is still playing, the question is….when will it stop. I assure you there won’t be enough chairs. 

 “If you tell me quantitative easing is going to be removed over nine or 12 months,”said Stanley Druckenmiller, “that’s a big deal because it’s my belief that QE has subsidized all asset prices. And you remove that subsidization, the market will go down . . . The minute you have this phony buying stop, [stocks] can go down on no volume and just reprice immediately.”

Exactly. The only thing that is keeping this markets up, artificially I might add, in an insane amount of credit infusion through QE and low interest rates.  When it stops, most asset classes WILL collapse.  The only thing I would disagree with is the fact that the FED has control. The FED has only “perceived” control and the market might take that away at any moment.

In the meantime, keep your eyes on the tidy sum of $1.4 trillion. That’s how much investors have crammed into bond funds between the January 2009 and May 2013, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch. In the just the past four months, however, they have unwound $173 billion from that mega-trade—an enormous redemption but still just a sliver of $1.4 trillion.

How much of that unwind makes its way to equities, especially when the Fed’s taper starts in earnest? For the market—loved once again, after so long—it’s a question that could trump all others.

At least for now, the paper shuffling game continues. However, be careful here. We are at the 12th inning of the bull run that has started in March of 2009. The bear market should resume soon. 

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Why Rating Agencies Are As Worthless As Obamacare

Bloomberg Writes:  Gross Says Investors Shouldn’t Trust Moody’s on U.S. AAA Rating


I dream of the day when this happens in the US Senate. Why should Koreans have all the fun
I dream of the day when this happens in the US Senate. Why should Koreans have all the fun

Investors shouldn’t trust the opinion of Moody’s Investors Service on the U.S.’s Aaa rating and should rely instead on the company’s competitors, according to Pacific Investment Management Co. founder Bill Gross.

Moody’s and the U.S. Treasury are one “happy family,” Gross, manager of the world’s biggest bond fund, said today in a post on Twitter. “Trust S&P, Fitch & Egan Jones” for credit ratings, he wrote. Mark Porterfield, a spokesman for Newport Beach, California-based Pimco, said Gross was referring to Moody’s stance on the U.S. debt limit and potential for a government shutdown.

Standard & Poor’s cut the U.S. rating to AA+ from AAA in August 2011, a move that reflected the impasse over raising the debt limit as well as the government’s lack of a plan to rein in its debt load.

Read The Rest Of The Article

I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t Trust Moody’s with watching my dead grandmother. I am not trying to be boastful, but you could have seen 2007-2009 meltdown coming from 10 miles away. I am not sure why an organization such as Moody’s with hundreds of financial analysts on stuff across multiple industries couldn’t see it coming. As you remember they have downgraded companies after the fact. Well, late enough for most investors to lose a lot of their money.

Actually, I do know. It’s called the “conflict of interest”. Bill Gross is absolutely correct. Basically Moody’s and the US Government are now a one entity scratching each other’s back. Should you care? Not really, but I do want you to be aware of the fact. Next time they either upgrade or downgrade something, view it with some skepticism at best. Know that they do not work for you, but large financial interests who’s objective might be counter to yours.  Either way, you should always do your own research and not depend on somebody else’s opinion.

On a related note, there is a parade of Senators and Congressman running around on TV. They are yelling and screaming that if the debt ceiling is not raised, the US Government will shut down and that will lead to a Great Depression. Something along those lines.  Do me a favor and tune them out. The stock market could care less and so should you. They will pass it and everything will be fine. 

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Stock Market Update, December 6th, 2013

daily chart Dec 6, 2013  

Summary: Continue to maintain a LONG/HOLD position. 

Even though the market has reversed itself, just a little bit, there is no change in our overall position for the time being. As my mathematical work clearly shows, the bear market will start in 2014. If you would like to know the exact date of the turn, I will make that information available in early 2014. 

For now, the market continues to linger around its all time highs. My previous updates remain right on the money. Please click on the links below to see them. 

November 22nd Report

November 15th Report. 

November 8th Report.

November 1st Report.

As we continue to hold our long position while waiting for the market reversal, right now might be a good time to start thinking about how you would liquidate your holding and/or re-allocate your capital once the bear market of 2014-2017 starts.

If you would like to take it one step further, this is a good time to start researching SHORT opportunities.  

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!!  

Stock Market Update, December 6th, 2013

Should You Invest In BitCoin

Bloomberg Writes: Bitcoin Spawns China Virtual IPOs as U.S. Scrutiny Grows


Bitcoin craze is reaching new heighs in China.

Sun Minjie is a 28-year-old Internet worker who lives in Beijing. Eager to profit from growing demand for the digital currency, Sun has invested more than $3,000 in a company called 796 Xchange Ltd., an online exchange for trading stocks and other financial instruments related to Bitcoin, where initial public offerings are also being held.

He’s part of a small but growing group of investors in China who have put the country into contention with the U.S. as the biggest downloader of the virtual money that’s being used to buy a growing range of goods and services online. While intensified scrutiny by U.S. regulators casts doubt on the currency’s future there, China’s Bitcoin industry is expanding.

“What’s worrisome is that a lot of people could be just treating it as a speculative investment,” said Peter Pak, head of trading of BOCI Securities Ltd. in Hong Kong. “In China, the stock market, property and bond market are all not so good, so people get really excited when they hear of a new investment that generates high returns.”

Sun’s outlay of about 28 Bitcoins — or $3,108 — for more than 400 shares in 796 Xchange has returned about 46 percent since the stock’s Aug. 1 debut on the company’s own website. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index (SHCOMP) has only gained about 2 percent during the same period.

Expensive to Crack’

Bitcoin is similar to other currencies — say, the Mexican peso — except it’s not controlled by any government and the total number is capped at about 21 million coins. Computer users can “mine” them by solving mathematical puzzles — uncovering the hidden series of letters and numbers that matches up with security keys specified by the computer programmers who invented Bitcoin in 2009. As more are mined, the puzzles get harder, and therefore more expensive to crack.

Sun turned to shares of Bitcoin companies after initially trying to mine the currency crunching algorithms on souped-up PCs at his office and home. He gave up after a month, concluding that his computers weren’t up to the task.

“Simple desktops can no longer dig them up,” he said.

Read the rest of the article here.

So, is Bitcoin a legitimate currency, a speculative investment or the future. This is a complex matter to discuss as there could be an infinite number of arguments made for or against it. However, here are some basic points to understand…. 

1. Understand that Bitcoin is a pure speculation at this stage. There is nothing to back it up and there is nothing to assign any sort of fundamental value to it.   As such, speculate away, but know that while it can appreciate significantly it can also go to zero in no time.

2. The US Government can crush it at will and at any time. Yes, I know it cannot be controlled by the government, it is independent and out there on the net. However, don’t be a fool.  As NSA just showed, the US Government basically controls the Internet and as such if it really wants to, it can destroy Bitcoin in hours through various means.

3. There is very little volume and the total value as a currency is very low. While it can be an advantage when the currency is going up, good luck trying to get out of it while it is heading down.  Plus, the fact that people in China see it as an investment vehicle now is a huge negative red flag.

Basically, there is no fundamental value to invest in Bitcoin at this stage. While it can appreciate significantly, know that all gains would be out of pure speculation.  There are no fundamentals to back it up.  On the flip side it can go to zero either because of the speculation or if the US Government decides (for whatever reason) to pull the plug on it.  I say it is too much risk if you value your money. 

US Recession Has Already Started

Well, actually and technically speaking, I believe that the US Economy never left the recession even though the stock market has appreciated well over 100% since the March of 2009 bottom.  Most of the gains where driven by technical reasons as well as massive infusion of capital into the system by the FED. Basically, everything had to appreciate in value.

Please watch this Lance Roberts, Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long video sharing their research on the  question above through the use of 52 slides in this fast moving 43 minute video. I couldn’t agree more and it will soon become evident as the market begins its decline. 


Warning: The Most Important Financial Story No One Is Talking About

10 Year Note Chart


The chart above doesn’t look like much, but it is hugely important. It is the chart for a 10 Year Treasury Note and I cannot stress enough just how important it is. There are 3 things here. 

1. My timing work shows that what you are looking at is a multi-generational bottom in interest rates. It is unlikely that we see interest rates this low over the next 50-100 years. Stock market and interest rate history teaches us that much. 

2. While it doesn’t look like much, this benchmark interest rate moved from 1.43% in July of 2012 to about 2.80% today. That is a 100% increase in interest rates in just 12 months. That is a massive move by any measure and the largest of its kind in nearly 3 decades.    

3. The interest rates are just now starting their climb upwards. The trend has shifted and will continue upward for at least a few more decades. It will not be a straight line move and it will not be fast, but do anticipate a gradual increase from this point on. My timing work shows that these rates should accelerate to the upside after 2016 due to upcoming inflation. 

What does it all mean? In simple terms, this will have a huge negative impact on the overall US and Global economy, it will destroy the US housing bubble once and for all, it will suck down emerging markets (which is already happening). 

Why? Because the all of the above mentioned markets rely purely on extremely cheap finance and high liquidity. Once you take that away, the markets and the overall economy will start going down fast.

What should you do? This is what I would do as of today. 

  • Start liquidating your stock market portfolio. You can start buying back at much cheaper prices at 2016 bottom.
  • Lock in any loans you have (mortgage, business, personal) at current rates. 
  • Sell all of your real estate holdings if it makes financial sense and satisfies all of your lifestyle choices. Real estate will get completely crushed over the next 10 years.
  • Accumulate cash and keep it safe in short term treasury(1-6 month maturity). Keep rolling it over as interest rates increase.  When the next bottom in the stock market shows up (in 2016)….Go All In. 

If you can, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!!

Stock Market Update, November 29th, 2013

daily chart Nov 29, 2013


Summary: Continue to maintain a LONG/HOLD position. 

Once again, no change since the last market update to alter my opinion. As my mathematical work clearly shows, the bear market will start in 2014. Would you like to know the exact date of the turn? I will make that information available in early 2014. 

For now, the market continues to push through it’s daily highs, behaving as anticipated. My previous updates remain right on the money. Please click on the links below to see them. 

November 22nd Report

November 15th Report. 

November 8th Report.

November 1st Report.

As we continue to hold our long position while waiting for the market reversal, right now might be a good time to start thinking about how you would liquidate your holding and/or re-allocate your capital once the bear market of 2014-2017 starts.

If you would like to take it one step further, this is a good time to start researching SHORT opportunities.  

Did you enjoy this article? If so, please share our blog with your friends as we try to get traction. Gratitude!!!  

Stock Market Update, November 29th, 2013