Weekly Stock Market Update & Forecast – October 7th, 2017

– State of the Market Address:

  • The Dow finds itself well above 22,000.
  • Shiller’s Adjusted S&P P/E ratio is now at 30.96 Now at arguably the highest level in history (if we adjust for 2000 distortions) and still above 1929 top of 29.55.
  • Weekly RSI at 76 – overbought. Daily RSI is at 79 overbought.
  • Prior years corrections terminated at around 200 day moving average. Located at around 18,100 today (on weekly).
  • Weekly Stochastics at 98.6- overbought. Daily at 98 – severely overbought.
  • NYSE McClellan Oscillator is at +3. Neutral.
  • Volatility measures VIX/VXX remains at suppressed levels. Commercial VIX long interest increased to 105K contracts net long. 
  • Last week’s CTO Reports suggest that commercials (smart money) are shifting their positioning back to net short. Short interest has shifted slightly higher during the week. For now, the Dow is 11X, the S&P is at 3X net short, Russell 2000 is back to 5X net short and the Nasdaq is net neutral.

In summary: For the time being and long-term, the market remains in a clear bull trend. Yet, a number of longer-term indicators suggest the market might experience a substantial correction ahead.  Plus, the “smart money” is positioning for some sort of a sell-off.

If you would like to find out exactly what happens next based on our Timing and Mathematical work, please Click Here. 

ATTENTION!!! Please note, we have moved most of our free editorial content to our new website Please Click Here to view it.ELLIOTT WAVE UPDATE:


Daily Stock Market Update & Forecast – October 5th, 2017 – Elliott Wave Edition


Since many people have asked, I will attempt to give you my interpretation of Elliott Wave and how it is playing out in the market. First, I must admit. I don’t claim to be an EW expert, but I hope my “standard” interpretation is of help.

Let’s take a look at the most likely recent count on the S&P.


Long-Term: It appears the S&P is quickly approaching the termination point of its (5) wave up off of 2009 bottom. If true,we should see a massive sell-off later this year. Did it already complete? Click Here

Short-Term: It appears the S&P might have completed its intermediary wave 3 and now 4. It appears the market is now pushing higher to complete wave 5 of (5). If true, the above count should terminate the bull market. Did it already complete? Click Here

If you would like to find out exactly what happens next based on our Timing and Mathematical work, please Click Here. 

ATTENTION!!! Please note, we have moved most of our free editorial content to our new website Please Click Here to view it.

Daily Stock Market Update & Forecast – October 2nd, 2017

– State of the Market Address:

  • The Dow finds itself back above 22,000.
  • Shiller’s Adjusted S&P P/E ratio is now at 30.96 Now at arguably the highest level in history (if we adjust for 2000 distortions) and still above 1929 top of 29.55.
  • Weekly RSI at 75 – overbought. Daily RSI is at 77 overbought.
  • Prior years corrections terminated at around 200 day moving average. Located at around 18,000 today (on weekly).
  • Weekly Stochastics at 97.12- overbought. Daily at 98 – severely overbought.
  • NYSE McClellan Oscillator is at +21. Neutral.
  • Volatility measures VIX/VXX remains at suppressed levels Commercial VIX long interest increased to 100K contracts net long. 
  • Last week’s CTO Reports suggest that commercials (smart money) are shifting their positioning back to net neutral. Short interest has shifted slightly lower during the week. For now, the Dow is 12X, the S&P is at 3.5X net short while Russell 2000 and the Nasdaq are net neutral.

In summary: For the time being and long-term, the market remains in a clear bull trend. Yet, a number of longer-term indicators suggest the market might experience a substantial correction ahead.  Plus, the “smart money” is positioning for some sort of a sell-off.

If you would like to find out exactly what happens next based on our Timing and Mathematical work, please Click Here. 

ATTENTION!!! Please note, we have moved most of our free editorial content to our new website Please Click Here to view it.

Daily Stock Market Update & Forecast – September 27th, 2017

– State of the Market Address:

  • The Dow finds itself back above 22,000.
  • Shiller’s Adjusted S&P P/E ratio is now at 30.68 Now at arguably the highest level in history (if we adjust for 2000 distortions) and still above 1929 top of 29.55.
  • Weekly RSI at 71 – overbought. Daily RSI is at 65.02- neutral.
  • Prior years corrections terminated at around 200 day moving average. Located at around 18,000 today (on weekly).
  • Weekly Stochastics at 95.74- overbought. Daily at 84 – overbought.
  • NYSE McClellan Oscillator is at +24. Neutral.
  • Volatility measures VIX/VXX remains at suppressed levels Commercial VIX long interest increased slightly to 80K contracts net long. 
  • Last week’s CTO Reports suggest that commercials (smart money) are shifting their positioning back to net neutral. Short interest has shifted slightly lower during the week. For now, the Dow is 10X, the S&P is at 3.5X net short while Russell 2000 and the Nasdaq are net neutral.

In summary: For the time being and long-term, the market remains in a clear bull trend. Yet, a number of longer-term indicators suggest the market might experience a substantial correction ahead.  Plus, the “smart money” is positioning for some sort of a sell-off.

If you would like to find out exactly what happens next based on our Timing and Mathematical work, please Click Here. 

ATTENTION!!! Please note, we have moved most of our free editorial content to our new website Please Click Here to view it.

At What Point Patriotism Becomes Fascism?

Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers today. Just questions. Just something to think about if you are a concerned American citizen, as I am. Watching the country I love disintegrate in front of my eyes.

When it comes to the NFL stupidity, Idiotic NFL Issue: Created By Criminally Insane Warlords For Dumbed Down Masses & Ignorant Presstitutes, Mr. Trump wants us to believe in a singular message. If you disrespect the National Anthem, you are a piece of s$#* unworthy of your Citizenship.

Fair enough, but let me ask you this……

  • Do you think German soldiers were “Patriotic” when they have slaughtered untold millions in the name of the Deutschland? I am sure everyone one of them believed they were doing their patriotic duty.
  • Do you think Japanese soldiers were patriotic when they went on a murderous rampage in the South Pacific?

Etc….you get the idea.  

Now, let me ask you this, as an American citizen, do you feel “Patriotic” when the US Government destroys the entire Middle East in the name of “Profit”? Directly killing and displacing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.

Do you feel “Patriotic” when they sell billions in weapons to Saudi Scumrabia and they use those weapons to go on a murderous genocide in Yemen?

Do you feel Patriotic? 

And finally……who are the real patriots here? 

Warmongers in Washington who have killed thousands and are now pushing us towards a Nuclear War with North Korea -OR- ordinary Americans who are sick and tired of this BS.

Again, no answers, just questions. Definitely something to think about today. 

Idiotic NFL Issue: Created By Criminally Insane Warlords For Dumbed Down Masses & Ignorant Presstitutes

There is no other way to say it. President Trump is a complete f$%*ing moron. And so am I, by the way, for voting for the guy. Apparently the threat of a nuclear war within Asia is not good enough, the orange buffoon now needs to cover his tracks with yet another pointless charade. This time against the men in spandex who run around the field holding a ball. YES, the NFL.

Trump Escalates War With NFL In Early Tweetstorm

Excuse my language, but who give a #$%$.

Here are just 3 issues American Presstitutes should concentrate on today.

Issue #1: 

Says Nuke Launch at US “Inevitable” 

Who cares? Well, you might if you knew that the US is unable to shoot these ICBMs down.

US Cannot Shoot Down DPRK Missiles: Global Defense Experts

Issue #2: 

US-led coalition airstrikes near Raqqa killed 84 civilians, HRW says

Just one of many, but yes, if you pay taxes in the US, you are a war criminal. Just as I am. Think about that one for a second.

Issue #3: 

Russia Reveals Footage of US Forces Near Daesh Positions North of Deir-ez-Zor

Imagine that, another conspiracy theory is proven to be true. And what does that make us (American Citizens)?

On second thought, forget about all of the above. Let’s talk about some 300 lbs man with 10 concussions and his knee bending ability. That indeed appears to be much more important. Bread and circuses for the masses.

We do live in strange times. What else is there to say. 

Assumption Is The Mother Of All F*** Ups

The state of today’s market is very well known to attention paying market participants or bears. So much so that most investors would argue that it is incredibly easy.

The FED and other central bankers around the world have pumped a tremendous amount of “out of thin air” money into the system, leading to speculative run ups in nearly all asset classes. With most spectacular gains occurring in the stock market. This is very well summarized by the chart below. 

What’s more, most investors today would argue that the fact that Central Bankers have been so successful in the past can only lead to one conclusion. They will not let this market implode, no matter how high the valuation levels get. Also know as, buy the dip.

Not only that, should a correction occur, the FED will immediately flood the system with QE 4 and negative interest rates. Leading to yet another massive run up in all asset classes. This is the view expressed here…..

When This Debt Bubble Bursts, Central Banks Will Turn to Money Printing… Again

And today, we find out that once again, derivatives are at the root of the current bubble (debt). And once again, the Central Banks will be cranking up the printing presses to paper over this mess when the stuff hits the fan. Already, Central Banks are printing nearly $180 billion per month in QE. When the next crisis hits, it’s going to be well north of $250 billion if not $500 billion per month. This is going to send inflation trades, particularly Gold, through the roof.

And that is exactly what most bullish investors are banking on today. 

Yet, as the article states, “Assumption Is The Mother Of All F*** Ups”

Meaning, just because the scheme above worked nearly flawlessly in the past, doesn’t mean it will not backfire in the future. That is the primary point I wish to drive home.

Let me give you an example. Let’s assume recession hits and the S&P drops 25%. The FED announces rate cuts and QE 4. Yet, the bond market doesn’t respond. Instead, yields and the dollar surge higher. Game over and checkmate. Any such collapse would simply accelerate lower.

Impossible? Again, don’t think in a linear fashion most investors apply today. 

If you would like to find out exactly what happens next based on our Timing and Mathematical work, please Click Here. 

Valuations, Central Bankers & Investor Sentiment

The chart above is rather self-explanatory. GDP expectations, in additions to earnings, haven’t moved very much off of 2016 lows. All while the stock market is up 30%+.

What gives?

Well, as the chart above shows the likes of Janet Yellen have pumped $3 Trillion of freshly printed green into the stock market and/or the Economy. To save the day, to avoid the collapse, etc…

Which brings us to this little problem……..

Ummm, 30.65…..are you f$#(ing kidding me? That’s the highest valuation level in history if we adjust for 2000 lack of tech earnings distortion. This is insane. Mind you, the median is around 15-16 and that would cut most indices in half. And that’s assuming the market doesn’t overshoot on the way down.

But worry not my friends…….. 

Wait a second….is that bullish or bearish?

Record 65% Think Stocks Will Rise Over Course of One Year: Did the Bell Just Ring?

Considering all of the above it would easy to come to a conclusion that we are in the midst of a massive financial bubble that is about to go “Poooof”. However, an immediate conclusion is often not a correct one.

If you would like to find out exactly what happens next based on our Timing and Mathematical work, please Click Here.