Can The Stock Market’s Black Monday Of 1987 Strike Again, Like This Monday?

Another monster down week with the Dow Jones down 756 points (-2.97%) and the Nasdaq down 282 points (-3.78%)

We have been warning for months that the stock market was about to move. I believe this week qualifies. An important question remains, is the bottom in or will this market crash? If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here

Most market participants believe the Black Monday Crash of 1987 cannot happen again. As accurate as they might be I would like to bring your attention to two important charts.

The crash of 1987. 

And today….

Please note, the chart of NYA (largest index by capitalization) today looks nearly identical to pre-1987 crash chart. However, the similarities don’t end there. In our premium membership section we talk about exact mathematical calculations, our time cycles and why they might be identical to what did happen in 1987.

So, will the crash repeat itself? Again, that is exactly what we are discussing in our weekly update over the weekend. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to miss it.

If you would like to find out exactly what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, and based on our mathematical and timing work, please Click Here


Why We Are Calling BS On Trump’s MAGA

10/26/2018 – A positive day with the Dow Jones up 401 points (+1.63%) and the Nasdaq up 209 points (+2.95%)

Is the bottom in or is this just a bounce? If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here

Admit it, you have been had. Just as we have been. As we have been warning for over a year, Trump’s policies are turning into a one giant Ponzi Scheme. And we are beginning to see the consequences.

Most Americans say their finances have not improved since the 2016 election

As the midterm elections approach, a new survey says a majority of Americans do not feel their financial situation has improved since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016.

Only 38% of Americans say their finances have improved since the 2016 election, according to a study released Thursday by finance website Bankrate, while 17% say they have gotten worse, and 45% say they are about the same. This comes as the economy remains the key issue in the Nov. 6 midterm elections.

‘The 1% never had it so good’: What key midterm candidates are saying about the economy now

On one side of the partisan aisle, supporters of President Trump’s policies — like Mike Braun in Indiana and Lou Barletta in Pennsylvania — have been praising the administration’s deregulatory agenda and tax cuts, and linking to articles and quoting statistics that focus on the economy’s growth, an increase in worker wages and the low jobless rate.

On the other side, Democrats like North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp and Ohio’s Sherrod Brown continue to push back against “the administration’s trade war,” point to data showing “real wages have barely budged,” and focus on how the tax cut benefited “the wealthiest 1%.”

Listen, this is rather simple. 

Trump infused Obama’s dying economic bubble with a shot of heroin in the form of tax cut and massive debt increases (spending). With most of the gains, if any, going to the top 1-10%. The dying patient miraculously came to live, but only for a brief moment as a massive cardiac arrest was just seconds away.

We can only hope the US Economy avoids the faith of Trump’s casinos that were operated under the same principles. Perhaps when elephants fly.

If you would like to find out what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, based on our mathematical and timing work, please Click Here 


The Most Important Chart In The World Today

10/24/2018 – A massive down day with the Dow Jones down 608 points (-2.41%) and the Nasdaq down 329 points (-4.43%)

We have been warning you for weeks that things were about to move. Will the stock market now bounce or will we see an outright crash? If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here

We believe the chart below is the most important chart in the world today. So much so that we have been discussing it in our premium member section for months. The chart represents the NYA (largest index by capitalization). Please note, the index failed to put in an all time high and now finds itself at support.

If you would like to find out why this is the most important chart in the world and what it projects, please Click Here. 

If you would like to find out what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, based on our mathematical and timing work, please Click Here 


Trump Vs Obama: When Two Idiots Fight Over The ‘Economic Miracle’ …AKA… The Biggest Financial Bubble Of All Time

10/23/2018 – A negative day with the Dow Jones down 126 points (-0.50%) and the Nasdaq down 31 points (-0.42%) 

As we have been saying for some time, the stock market finds itself at an incredibly important juncture. Things are about to move. If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here

This is getting downright ridiculous.

Obama Calls Trump “Tin-Pot Dictator”, Takes Credit For “Economic Miracles”

“That is not how America works. That is how some tin-pot dictatorship works,” Obama added, two years after he spied on the Trump campaign using a sham dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton.

Obama suggested in 2016 that Trump would require a “magic wand” to bring jobs back to America. “Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said during a PBS town hall.

BuzzFeed reports that Obama “didn’t come to Nevada to make news,” because “He’s said to be afraid his presence would backfire, give Trump a foil, and energize the Republicans who Democrats hope will stay home in November.”

A truly intelligent person would drop this economic miracle faster than a hot potato. Here’s why…….

The Average Stock Is Overvalued Somewhere Between Tremendously And Enormously

My business is to constantly look for new stocks by running stock screens, endlessly reading (blogs, research, magazines, newspapers), looking at the holdings of respected investors, talking to a large network of investment professionals, attending conferences, scouring through ideas published on value investor networks, and finally, scouring a large (and growing) watch list of companies to buy at a significant margin of safety.

With all of that, my firm is having little success finding solid companies at attractive valuations.

Don’t just take my word for it. Take a look at several charts, below, that show the magnitude of the stock market’s overvaluation and, more importantly, put it into historical context.


Trump was absolutely correct in labeling Obama’s economy as a massive bubble during his Presidential campaign. Too bad he proceeded to “re-imagine” it with his tax cuts and MAGA nonsense. Something he will pay dearly for over the next few years. Then again, the can always blame the FED and/or democrats.

Like we have said before, it is not a question of if, but when. If you would like to find out exactly when the stock market will crater, in both price and time, please Click Here
