Fighting With Our Own Shadows -Trump’s Stupidity On Trade Knows No Bounds

9/24/2018 – A mixed day with the Dow Jones down 181 (-0.68%) and the Nasdaq up 6 points (+0.08%) 

The stock market finds itself at an important, if not difficult, juncture. And while most heavily leveraged bulls see at least a 20% melt up, some bears are calling for an outright crash. No need to guess about what happens next. If you would like to find out what the stock market will do next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here. 

Trump’s stupidity knows no bounds. 


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vowed that the United States would emerge victorious in an intensifying trade war with China, a day before Washington imposes $200 billion worth of tariffs.

“We are going to win it,” Pompeo said in an interview on Fox News broadcast Sunday“. We’re going to get an outcome which forces China to behave in a way that if you want to be a power — a global power — transparency, rule of law, you don’t steal intellectual property,” he said.

Whatever you say genius. Instead, consider this hard cold reality as well.

What I Wrote to the White House about Trade & Tariffs. 

The primary culprit of the ballooning US trade deficit is being purposefully obscured: Corporate America

China doesn’t force Corporate America to run its supply chain through China. This is a decision Corporate America made.

Tariffs don’t prevent trade. They just change the cost equation a little. In this manner, tariffs are a “sin tax” that provide a counter-balance and give Corporate America a different element to include in the equation. That part has gotten completely – and it appears purposefully – obscured by the White House, which is the most pro-Corporate America White House I can remember.

And the debate needs to shift to Congress, whose decision this should ultimately be.

For the rest – such as attacking China’s own policies and the uneven playing field in China – well, that’s long overdue, but it’s not the primary issue. The primary issue is Corporate America.

We have brought this up before on numerous occasions. Over 50% of the US’s Trade Deficit (some put it as high as 70%) with China has to do with American Corporations outsourcing their supply chains to China. To very quickly summarize, basically, here is what Trump is doing to the US Economy when he is fighting his deranged trade war.

Image result for fight club hitting himself gif

Just wait when the ever so gullible BULLS figure this out. 

If you would like to find out what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, based on our timing and mathematical work, please Click Here. 

“Buy And Hold No Matter What” – Investor Sentiment Surges

A  mixed week with the Dow Jones up 589 points (+2.25%) and the Nasdaq down 24 points (-0.29%)

With the Dow surging to an all time high this week, so did investor sentiment. Let’s just take a quick look at a few interesting data points.

This strategist has the next move for this ‘buy-and-hold-no-matter-what’ stock market

Unfazed bulls are doing (another) victory lap this morning after investors drove a record-breaking day on Wall Street. China tariffs kicking in? Yawn. Brexit breakdown? Relax. Fed hike next week? The economy looks great!

Our call of the day from the Cracked Market blog’s Jani Ziedins says this is a “buy-and-hold-no-matter-what market,” though longer- and shorter-term investors might not have the same approach.

YES, YES. I remember this same kind of a mind set at 2000 and 2007 tops. They held long and strong until they all sold at the bottom in 2002 and 2009. But wait, it gets better….

Bannon: Trump Willing to Make Trade War ‘Unbearably Painful’ for China

As Chinese-US trade relations deteriorate, former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon said this week that those economic ties may get worse before they get better, since US President Donald Trump is willing to make the ongoing trade war “unbearably painful” for Beijing.

Trump won’t relent in the US-China trade war until reaching “victory,” the South China Morning Post reported Friday after interviewing Bannon. Bannon has been notoriously aggressive in his rhetoric against China for years. “We’re at economic war with China. It’s in all their literature… One of us is going to be a hegemon in 25 or 30 years, and it’s gonna be them if we go down this path,” Bannon told Prospect in 2017, referring to previous China policies he perceives as lenient.

What about “Unbearably Painful” for the US Mr. Bannon? Or we shouldn’t worry about it because the stock market is up? And it appears Mr. Bannon has a point. The stock market doesn’t seem to mind…..

Dow, S&P 500 records belie festering fear that China and the U.S. ‘are on a collision course’

Although on some level the stock market’s climb to new heights represents a growing conviction about the U.S. economy, outweighing the threat that a Beijing-Washington trade fight could morph into the sort of a bellicosity that could disrupt global economic vitality, on another level a number of investors can’t shake a sense of unease about the current trajectory of tariff tensions.

The above is just a small anecdotal sample of how bullish everyone else. There a many other technical indicators, such us RSI, Stochastic, Margin Debt, Volatility, etc…, that confirm the notion above.

All at arguably the highest valuation level in human history known as the “Everything Bubble”. 

If you are concerned with this market, as you should be, and would like to find out what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, please Click Here. 


Forget About Economic Collapse – Massive War Is In Our Future

9/19/2018 – A mixed day with the Dow Jones up 158 points (+0.61%) and the Nasdaq down 6 points (-0.08%) 

The stock market finds itself at an important, if not difficult, juncture. And while most heavily leveraged bulls see at least a 20% melt up, some bears are calling for an outright crash. No need to guess about what happens next. If you would like to find out what the stock market will do next, based on our timing and mathematical work, in both price and time, please Click Here. 

Even the worst of the bears don’t think much of anything will come out of today’s economic imbalances. Maybe a stock market collapse here or there, a recession, but that’s about it.

At the same time consider the following……

Destroying America: It Is Being Projected That The U.S. National Debt Will Hit 99 Trillion Dollars By 2048

Temporary prosperity that is created by exploding levels of debt is not actually prosperity at all.  At this moment, the U.S. government is 21.4 trillion dollars in debt, and we have been adding an average of more than a trillion dollars a year to that debt since 2009.  And if we stay on the path that we are currently on, the trajectory of our debt will soon accelerate dramatically.  In fact, as you will see below, the Congressional Budget Office is now projecting that the U.S. national debt will reach 99 trillion dollars by 2048 if nothing changes.  Congressional Budget Office projections always tend to be overly optimistic, and so the reality will probably be much worse than that.  Of course we will never actually see the day when our national debt reaches 99 trillion dollars.  Our government (and our entire society along with it) will collapse long before we ever get to that point.  In our endless greed, we are literally destroying America, and emergency action must be taken immediately if we are to survive.

Debt always makes things seem better in the short-term, and it is always destructive in the long-term.

When we go into debt as a nation, we are literally stealing from the bright future that our children and our grandchildren were supposed to have.  Through the first 11 months of this fiscal year, the official U.S. budget deficit was $895,000,000,000, which means that we continue to steal more than 100 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day.

The US cannot and will not repay its debt. Not at today’s levels, let alone soul crushing $99 Trillion expected by 2048. Throw in insane fiscal disorder we talked about a few days ago MUST WATCH: $21 Trillion Is ‘Missing’ – Accounting ‘Never Never Land’ – Crash Coming and we have a real problem on our hands.

Bulls and bears would argue that the inflation instituted by the FED will resolve or solve above mentioned imbalances. It is a long discussion, but I would suggest that a deflationary collapse, not an inflationary melt up, is in our future.

Either way, you cannot just get rid of this massive global debt and/or pretend its not there. Simply put, it will lead to a nuclear war between the superpowers.

That is to say, forget about a bear market that will wipe out 50% off of today’s valuations. Watch out for Putin’s nukes that will wipe everything and everyone out. To read our full report and to find out exactly when Click Here

For now, if you would like to find out what the stock market will do next, in both price and time, please Click Here
