Donate To The Philippines Today



Those who know me personally know that I spend a considerable amount of time in the Philippines. What happened here over the weekend is BEYOND apocalyptic. 

One of the strongest Typhoon on record has essentially leveled a considerable part of the country. While Red Cross is estimating the number of deaths to be around 10,000,  I believe the number will be much higher. 

While the government is doing its best, the livelihoods of millions of people in the region have been decimated. They have nothing left.  Today….right now….there are millions of people sitting in rubble…..hungry, thirsty and cold. 

As you go about your daily life today, please take 5 minutes out of your day and donate anything that you can. Even if its just $5. Every penny makes a huge difference to these people in need. 



The Biggest Problems With Value Investing

 growth stocks investwithalex

Thus far value investing has been a perfect investment vehicle.  After all, what’s not to like. It steers you to buy wonderful businesses at highly discounted prices. That in itself minimizes your risk by creating a margin of safety while maximizing your return potential, creating a highly desirable low risk and high return type of an investment scenario.

At the same time Value Investing is not perfect. While there is a number of shortcomings associated with Value Investing, the most important one from our vantage point is the issue of “TIMING”. Please allow me to explain.

Let’s assume that you have been able to find a value stock of your dreams. Let’s imagine for a second that it falls into either a Waking Beast or a Rocket Ship category.  Let’s further assume that the company is clothe retailer who’s stock is selling at 70% discount to it’s Intrinsic Value. The company suffered over the last couple of years due to various financial and merchandising issues.  Same store sales are down 50% over the last 3 years and the company recently closed 25 underperforming stores.  As a result the stock price has collapsed over 80% in the last 2 years.  

At the same time your in-depth fundamental research shows that things are about to get better. The company recently restructured and brought on a new management team with an excellent track record.  That is already being evident in the companies same store sales and improved cash flow. The merchandise is hot again and the company is also getting ready to start opening up a lot of new stores over the next 2 years.  Based on your research and calculations the stock price should be at least double of where it is today and much higher if the company continues to perform well.  Overall, it’s a wonderful buying opportunity that you believe will make you a lot of money.

Yet, for some reason the stock price hasn’t moved to the upside yet.  The market hasn’t yet recognized the change that you see and hasn’t yet re-priced the stock.  If anything, the stock price continues to go down, on average losing about 1% per month.   The question is….why?

The answer has to do with TIMING. This has always been an issue with value investing.  While we can identify significantly undervalued assets, thus far no one has been able to determine WHEN these assets will begin to appreciate again to reflect their true intrinsic value.  As today’s value investors very well know such appreciation can happen at any time.  As in the example above the stock price can start climbing tomorrow,  a few months from now, a year from now or five years from now.  It can also never climb again.

The old value investing  mantra states that such a scenario is fine and that it shouldn’t matter. For as long as you buy a stock at a significant discount to its intrinsic value and hold it until the stock reaches that value or appreciates significantly enough, you should be fine. Yes, it could take a long time but your eventual capital gain and lower risk profile should make up for your “unknown holding period”.

I respectfully disagree.  (To be continued…) 

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The Secret Behind Macroeconomics & Value Investing (Part 3)

putin on bear investwithalex

Step #2.  Use Common Sense

This is by far the best tool you have in your tool set.   As the saying goes,  “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”. Meaning and as you have probably noticed, most market pundits (whether it’s the economists, talking heads or the money managers) are perpetually bullish. No matter what the situation  is they are always talking about how great things are and how all stocks will be going up over the next 12 months.

That is an excellent point of view to have if you are working in the self-help inspirational type of an industry, but a dangerous one to have if you are working with stocks. If you haven’t noticed, stocks do go down at times. Sometimes they collapse (aka 2007-2009). That is why having your own, well researched common sense opinion is so valuable.

Case and point, today’s economic environment presents us with a perfect  example. (Written Nov 7th, 2013)

Majority Opinion:  Today’s stock market closed at an all time how with the Dow at 15,746. If you listen to the main stream media, the economists, read the newspapers and magazines, listen to market pundits and talking heads you would undoubtedly walk away with an overwhelmingly BULLISH opinion. According to most of them the US stock market and the US Economy are in the early stages of a major bull run and economic recovery. If fact, you would probably be so excited that you would invest  every single penny that you have.

Common Sense Opinion:  Yet, if you would listen to my or form your own opinion you would see an opposite point of view.  You would understand that today’s economic recovery is nothing more than a mirage driven by a massive infusion of credit into the system through monthly QE of $85 Billion, low interest rates and massive amount of speculation. After digging deeper you would see that all asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate and even art) are in a massive speculative bubble that is unsustainable.

Digging even deeper and looking at the technical picture you would probably think twice about going long here. Instead of looking at the market and saying it’s at an all time high with many years of bull left on the table, you would probably look at the market and say, “Hmmm, this market is way overbought and given the current economic environment and the fact that everyone is so bullish I think the market is setup for a large bear move”. Instead of going long you would consider either getting out of the market all together or going short.  Your research and common sense understanding of the economic situation would clearly support that decision.

As you can see the difference between Majority Opinion and a Common Sense Opinion is vast. One would have you buying every stock under the sun while the other makes you want to run for the hills. Which one is right?  Well, that is for you to decide, but I would always pick a well researched Common Sense Opinion from a trusted source.  More often than not it pays to do so.  

In conclusion, following the two easy steps above will put you well ahead of the competition within a short period of time.  It will put you on the fast track of fully understanding the macroeconomic picture and what is going on in our financial markets.  More importantly, you will become self proficient and 99% more accurate than most of the economist and talking heads out there. You will be able to make much better investment decisions and avoid unnecessary losses most often caused by following the crowd.   

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The Secret Behind Macroeconomics & Value Investing (Part 2)

mad money investwithalex

With that said, how do you perform proper macroeconomic analysis that is useful for picking stocks?

It is very easy.

Step #1.  Read, Listen & Follow

Read and listen as much as you can. Yet, be very selective. Here is what I DON’T want you to read and/or listen to.

  • Most Economists
  • Professors of Economics/Finance
  • Technical Economic Papers (they are worthless when it comes to market applications).
  • Talking Heads On TV
  • News, Newspapers or Magazines
  • Politicians
  • Market Pundits

Be aware of these sources, but do not take them at their core value.  Simply put, their interests are not aligned with yours. They either want your attention or they are trying to sell you something. Plus, in the majority of the cases,  all of these sources are simply recycling the old news and putting their own spin or analysis on it.  Yes, their view could be accurate, but it is rarely so.

At the same time, here is what I DO want you do to.

I want you find market practitioners (money managers, hedge fund manager & investment advisers) who have a very good track record when it comes to stock market or economic predictions. I want you to start following these people. I want you to read, listen and study everything that they have to say.  These people have a proven track record and for the most part they do not have time for nonsense.  Just as your money is on the line, so is theirs. This aligns your interests and ensures that their opinion is at least backed by capital.

For example, you can follow my blog at if you believe the opinion I share on it is an accurate one. There are too many other smart and capable money guys that I can recommend, but I will not. Discovering these people is part of the process of learning who you should follow and who you should avoid.  Just as you should never buy/sell stocks based on somebody else’s advice, you should never blindly follow someone and their opinion.  Even though they might sounds very smart, they might also be wrong.  Remember, you must always perform your own research in order to form your own conclusions.

With that said, here is the best part. Being an independent thinker in the investment world pays off….big time. 

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China Wants 7.2% Economic Growth, I Just Want A Ferrari For Christmas

BusinessWeek Writes: China Needs 7.2% GDP Growth for Jobs, Says Premier


Thanks to the Workers’ Daily, we now know a little bit more about how Chinese economic growth translates into jobs creation—or at least how top Chinese officials view that crucial equation.

Speaking at a national congress for China’s official trade union two weeks ago, Premier Li Keqiang said that China needs economic growth of at least 7.2 percent in order to ensure adequate employment, the Beijing-based newspaper reported on Nov 4. “The reason why we want to stabilize growth, in the final analysis, is to preserve jobs,” Li said at the union meeting on Oct. 21.

Li also pointed out how important the rest of the world remains for ensuring adequate employment in China. All told, China has some 30 million workers who are directly dependent on China’s export industries, and an additional 100 million serving in supporting industries, Li said. “If exports fall rapidly, it will create an employment problem,” he said.

Read The Rest Of The Article Here

China is going to be an exciting case to watch and study over the next couple of years. It is no doubt understandable that Chinese officials want fast economic growth rate, but we don’t always get what we want.  Particularly, considering my forecast for the US Economy and its financial markets.

At least at this stage, I do not believe that 7.2% economic growth is feasible for China over the long run.  Not even close. The problems stems from the fact that about 25-50% (some claim much more) of Chinese economic growth over the last decade came from capital misallocation and pointless infrastructure projects.  Also known as, empty cities, rail networks, roads to nowhere, etc….  That is one of the reasons Chinese banks are sitting on a time bomb called bad loans that thus far they have been able to ignore.  The problem for China is, there isn’t that much more infrastructure or capital misallocation work left to do and bad loans increasingly becoming a huge problem.  As such, I believe China has no room left for 7.2% economic growth.

Add to that an upcoming global recession (based on my work), subsequent export slowdown and China finds itself sitting on a powder keg of economic trouble. What happens if all of the issues above come home to roost at the same time and instead of 7.2% economic growth China ends up with 2-3% or god forbid even goes negative.  With massive unemployment and certain public unrest  it would be fascinating to see how China comes through.  Will its communist government be able to survive or will Chinas pain be so great that a new political system will be established.

That is why it will be so exciting to watch China over the next few years.

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Warning: Not All Stocks Are Created Equal (Part 4)


 Further, there are three more important points that deserve a quick note.

1.  Never try to catch a falling knife

These are known as stocks that have had a huge drop in value over a short period of time.  Sometimes as much as 50-80%.  Imagine for a second that you were considering an investment opportunity only to see it drop 50% over the last 2 days. You can’t believe your eyes. You thought it was a good value before the collapse, yet now the stock is being given away. Literally. You can’t stop salivating and/or thinking how much money you are going to make. STOP.

NEVER invest in falling knifes. Forget about your fundamental analysis or Intrinsic Value calculation. NEVER buy into this situation from both technical and timing perspective. I will describe this further in the timing section, but the chances are high that such stocks will continue to decline even further before experiencing stabilization or a recovery.  Do not worry, in 99% of the time you will have plenty of time to pick up such stocks long after the collapse. Very rarely will you see stocks that have experienced a large drop in value over a short period of time show a “V” shape type of a recovery. It happens, but very rarely.  

I have made this mistakes a number of times in my early days, but will never make it again. As such and as a general rule, avoid falling knifes like your life depends on it.  

2.  Avoid Penny Stocks.

It is very tempting to buy a $0.25 stock in hopes that if it goes to just $5, you will walk away with making 20x on your money. We always hear stories how someone, somewhere has made such a killing and turned their $5,000 into $1 Million within a year.  Clearly understand, this is just hype perpetuated by day traders and people trying to sell you newsletters or the penny stocks themselves.

I don’t know of a single person who has made any real money investing in the penny stocks over an extended period of time. You might get lucky here and there, but the risk associated with investing in penny stocks is just too much for an average person. You don’t see Warren Buffett, George Soros, Jim Rogers and other top fund managers investing in penny stocks and neither should you.

3. Concentration or Diversification

A whole book can be written about pros and cons of both concentration and diversification. Which one is better? Well, that really depends on your personal specification and your risk profile. For me, concentration is a much better way to invest especially if you concentrate only on Rocket Ships and Waking Beasts described above.

The problem is, if you concentrate only on two such categories chances are you will not be able to identify more than 3-10 such stocks (in normal market conditions).  Personally, I like concentration on such stocks as they provide me with the lowest risk and the highest return profile.  Warren Buffett has the same approach.

Yet, it also depends on how you define risk.  Is it more risky to hold 1 stock purchased at a significant discount, a stock you have fully analyzed and know everything about, a stock that you expect to appreciate significantly -OR- is it more risky to hold 30 stocks your don’t really know that well.

One again, that is a personal choice that you would have to make. If you are new to investing, I would recommend you to diversify at first and then slowly move towards concentration as you gain more knowledge and experience.

Summary:  This chapter discusses various attributes of different value stocks by showing you that not all area created equal. It further suggests that you should concentrate on Rocket Ships and Waking Beasts as your primary investments vehicles. Such stocks tend to provide investors with the lowest risk and the highest return profile.  Further, the chapter encourages you to avoid falling knifes and penny stocks.  Finally, it shows that diversification or concentration should be based on your personal preferences and/or risk profile. 

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Warning: Not All Stocks Are Created Equal (Part 3)


Waking Beast:

This is where things begin to get exciting for us. For some reason these stocks are significantly undervalued (selling well below their Intrinsic Value), yet there is nothing necessarily wrong with them. For the most part they might be growing at a good pace, have a good management team and a product that is in demand.  Yet, the market has sold them off.

There might be a number of reasons. The industry itself might be going through a downshift, there might be a bubble elsewhere in the market and it sucked up all the capital, there might be a misconception about the company or they are simply not sexy enough.  

Home builders in early 2000’s would be a perfect example of that. At the time they were selling at huge discounts to their Intrinsic Value even though the housing boom was in full swing. Most of the companies in the industry were selling at 30-75% discount to their Intrinsic Value even though people were literally fighting and standing in lines to get access to their products. Their financial positions and management teams were superb as well.

These are the types of opportunities value investors should be excited about. The company is doing great on every front and is substantially undervalued, yet for some reason the market has discounted it well below what it is worth. Now that you have your margin of safety built into your purchasing price it is highly probable that these stock will appreciate significantly over the next few years or months to fully reflect their Intrinsic Value.

In conclusion, that is exactly what you are looking for.  Highly discounted stocks that are doing very well and are position to appreciate significantly over a short period of time. That is how you minimize your risk while maximizing your gains. Unfortunately, you won’t find many of these stocks out there. When you do, start buying.  

Rocket Ship: 

These stocks won’t come across your desk very often, but when they do you will be able to make huge sums of money. As Warren Buffett so famously says, “Wait for the perfect pitch”. Well, these are your perfect pitches. These stocks are dirt cheap, but they shouldn’t be. It could happen for two reasons.

1. The market has a misconception about the stock and has misprices it significantly. Yet, your fundamental research clearly shows that the market is wrong and the stock should bounce back soon.

2.  There are adverse market forces (like a severe bear market(2007-09)) that drive great companies well below what they should be worth. Eventually the market recovers and you make huge sums of money.

These are the companies that are doing everything right. They have strong financials, a great management teams, a great future, new products, etc… Yet, the stock price was driven down well below Intrinsic Value of the company. If your fundamental analysis confirms that the decline was unjustified and the stock should rebound soon, buy as much as you can. These types of investment opportunities will be your large money makers.  Don’t forget to look for the catalyst as well. Something that would set the climb in motion.

(A word of caution. Just as I talked about in the Dead Man Walking category, make sure you are not missing something. Make sure that your fundamental analysis didn’t miss an important point that the market sees and you don’t. )

To be continued….

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Warning: Not All Stocks Are Created Equal (Part 2)

 sleeping Beauty

Hungry Dogs:

These stocks tend to operate in the no men’s land. They are not dead enough to file for bankruptcy, but are not healthy enough to do anything but survive. More likely than not they have significant business problems associated with their business. They are surviving, but barely so. Think of them as street dogs running around looking for food.

They either can’t or do not have enough capital to fix whatever problems they have. They are simply getting by and there is no catalyst on the horizon that would indicate that their luck is about to change. Typically they sell at a significant discount to their Intrinsic Value (or perceived IV). To the tune of 50-80%.

As an example, think of an apparel retailer who has been struggling over the last 5 years. Their brand name has been diminished, their sales are down 4-5% quarter after quarter, there is no new store growth, their management is not changing direction, they are sustaining operating losses, there are no interested parties in buying them out, their financial position is very weak and they barely have enough cash flow to keep their operation going.

The bottom line is, avoid these stocks if there is no clear catalyst that could increase their value in the near future. What kind of a catalyst? As per example above it could be a buyout or a takeover, management change, improvement in merchandise, gradual/consistent improvement in same store sales, new store openings, etc….. 

If no clear catalyst is present, these stocks are likely to remain in their trading range or worse, shift into the Dead Man Walking category. As such, you don’t want to tie up your capital in such stocks even if the margin of safety is over 50% and your valuation work suggest otherwise.  Simply put, these stocks are not going anywhere.

Sleeping Beauty:

Just like a sleeping beauty these stocks are nice to look at, but most of the time they are worthless. Such stocks might look very good in your overall portfolio, but what is the use if they do not contribute to your capital gains. They are certainly better than Hungry Dogs, but not by much.

They are easily identifiable through the following characteristics. The company is growing at a slow rate of about 1-5% per annum. It is financially stable, operating at a profit or a small loss, has enough cash flow to sustain operations for a long time and in no imminent danger from outside factors. Furthermore, the company is making certain changes that seem to be working, but they are not drastic.  The company is selling at a significant discount to its Intrinsic Value (20-70%), but its stock price hasn’t gone anywhere over the last 5 years. Plus, there is no clear catalyst to release the value in the near future.

As an example, such a company might include an agricultural company with a lot of land holdings or a REIT that has a lot of assets, a strong financial position, but no real catalyst for releasing that value to the  shareholders. Their stock prices end up stagnating, sometimes for decades even though investing in them looks good on paper.

In summary, you want to avoid these stocks as well. They might  look good, but all they will do is tie up your capital for a long time without any sort of a real return. Meanwhile you might be losing on other great investment opportunities. The opportunity cost is real and you should definitely take that into consideration when looking at sleeping beauties. 

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Warning: Not All Stocks Are Created Equal

Warning: Not All Value Stocks Are Created Equal

 terrible stock

Now that you are well versed in value investing, the concept of margin of safety and how to do Intrinsic Value calculation work, you must be made aware of yet another very important point.  

Not all value stocks with a substantial margin of safety are created equal.

For example, you will have companies selling well below their intrinsic value, but on their way to an eventual bankruptcy. You will have stocks selling very cheaply, but with no chance for a recovery any time soon. You will have stocks that seem to have a large margin of safety, yet it is an illusion. You might have stocks that offer very little margin of safety, yet they are about to take off to the upside like a rocket ship to the moon.  You get the idea, many  outcomes are possible here.

For my own purposes, I like separating Value Stocks into the following easy to remember categories…..

Dead Man Walking:

Initially these stocks might look like a great investment opportunity because they are selling as if they are about to go out of business and/or file for bankruptcy.  On the surface they might be everything a good value investor is looking for. They might selling at a huge discount (80-90%) to their Intrinsic Value and you might be salivating over the opportunity, thinking about how much money you are going to make.

However, stop for a second and take a closer look. It is very rare that a market will present you with such wonderful buying opportunities. It will happen, but very seldom. Most likely than not, you are missing a vital piece of information that the market sees.

You will need to go back and figure out if this a great investment opportunity or if this is a company that will be filling for bankruptcy 6 months from now.  

You will need to be very careful here. You will need to double down on your fundamental research and figure out what you are missing. I guarantee, you are missing something. Once you find that missing part you will need re-evaluate your fundamental research and Intrinsic Value calculation in order to determine if your original conclusion was right.

If you still believe in your original conclusion, I recommend that you buy as much as you can. You might have found one of those once in a life time opportunities.  

At the same time, if the missing piece of information makes a significant negative impact on your previous work you would want to steer clear of this stock.  

Conclusion: Typically you want to avoid these stocks like a plague. They are cheap for a reason. They will stay cheap for a long time or will soon file for bankruptcy. Yet, if your fundamental research continues to confirm your original research you might want to shift this stock into a Rocket Ship category. 

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Real Estate Meltdown Just Starting

Bloomberg Writes: Pending Sales of Existing Homes Slump by Most in Three Years

 housing crash investwithalex

Fewer Americans than forecast signed contracts to buy previously owned homes in September, the fourth straight month of declines, as rising mortgage rates slowed momentum in the housing market.

The index of pending home sales slumped 5.6 percent, exceeding all estimates in a Bloomberg survey of economists and the biggest drop in more than three years, after a 1.6 percent decrease in August, the National Association of Realtors reported today in Washington. The index fell to the lowest level this year.

Mortgage rates last month reached two-year highs and some homeowners are reluctant to put properties up for sale as they wait for prices to climb, leading to tight inventories. Those forces are pushing some would-be buyers to the sidelines and slowing the pace of recovery in real estate, giving Federal Reserve policy makers reason to delay reducing stimulus when they meet this week.

Read The Rest Of The Article Here

On October 3rd, 2013 I put my foot down and made a gutsy call. I have called for a housing top at the time. You can read the article here. I Am Calling For A Real Estate Top Here

Even though most people have dismissed this forecast I continue to stand by it. As new data points for the real estate market continue to come in, it looks as if I have made the correct and exact call. Yes, certain markets will roll over and start going down a little bit later, but the overall market is starting to look top heavy here. I would expect to continue seeing weakness over the next few quarters until we begin to see clear indications that the real estate market is heading down. At that time a lot of people will freak out and we should see a real inventory spike followed by even lower real estate prices. Of course this cycle will feed on itself for a long time.

Remember, this will be the 3rd leg down for the real estate sector. The first one was the initial decline between 2007 and 2010. Typically, 3rd legs down are longer and steeper. As such one shouldn’t be surprised to see large drops in housing prices over the next few years. As my previous valuation work here showed, overpriced markets like So. Cal should and could go down as much as 50%. 

For now we wait and see as the housing market continues its rolling over process.  

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