Doctor Copper Is Screaming……Are You Listening???

Apparently, Copper has the ability to predict the health of the overall economy. In that sense, things are not looking very good as Copper (HG) has dropped 40% between March and July of this year. It has recovered some, but not to the extent to suggest an economic recovery. 

What our mathematical and timing work shows in terms of Copper is rather interesting…… to say the least. It appears copper is and will be the measure of inflation going forward as opposed to a measure of an underlying economy. Allow me to elaborate. 

  • We did see an important cyclical top in March of 2022 at $4.99. It appears Copper’s 14 year up cycle topped out at that juncture. 
  • The next important cyclical TIME turning of interest arrives in January of 2023. Yet, we have numerous powerful TIME cycle clusters hitting around March of 2023. Let’s say March 15th (+/- 10 trading days). These cycle TIME turning points are one and the same. 
  • The TIME between major top cycle in March of 2022 and March of 2023 is rather short. Suggesting it will be a fast moving market. Thus far, it has been. 
  • Our PRICE calculations suggest two possible completion areas, one located at around $x.xx and the secondary one at $x.xx. It should become clearer which point it is as we get closer.
  • Once this time turning point above arrives, HG shoud……..Click Here. 

The forecast above is also consistent with our overall stock market work. If you would like to see the rest of the charts, what happens after the TIME turning point above arrives, as well as the up/down PRICE targets, please Click Here