Drums Of War

drums of war

I get at least a few emails per week telling me that I am wrong about the start of my Nuclear World War 3 mathematical forecast/prophesy. You can read it here Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why  Most of the objections have to deal with the fact that many people expect the war to start much sooner. As soon as this year. Just consider the news flow over the weekend.

Relax everyone. We still have plenty of time. At least 15 years before any real action begins. Here is why. First, my mathematical work does NOT show a stock market crash before 2029. For as long as stocks don’t crash, no war will occur. Second, the amount of hate and propaganda hasn’t reached critical levels. Finally, these sort of things take time to develop. At least another decade is needed.

Otherwise, a year after it was first published, my original forecast continues to develop as anticipated.


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