Energy Transformation

business meditation

Continuation from yesterday……..(Killing Stress).

She would understand that she is projecting a future that might or might not come to fruition. Creating a series of unnecessary worries in the process.  Once Mary is in this meditative state of mind she should proceed in the following fashion.

  • Entirely eliminate all job related worries through separation: This would allow her to fully dissociate herself from all incoming 911 calls and therefore remove all STRESS associated with dealing with such negative emotions in a high pressure environment. In essence, all incoming calls would become a game as opposed to a personal attachment.
  • Take back control: Through meditation she will realize that her boss has zero control over her emotional state. Further, she will understand that she can and will take her power back by either resolving the situation with higher ups or by looking for a new job.
  • Eradicate all future projections: She will understand that all of her worries and future projections are not real. As such, they have no influence whatsoever on her thought patterns, feelings and emotions.
  • Understanding Energy Flows: Once Mary is in a meditative state of mind she will be able to witness her energy flows and how they work. She will be able to trace all of her STRESS energies to their origin and to understand what had triggered them in the first place.

Finally, as she enters this state of higher consciousness and completes the steps above she will gain a simple understanding that her STRESS energy is simply energy. Giving her the ability to now mold it into whatever it is that she wants.

Energy Transformation:

Once Mary has this realization or understanding she will have the ability to take her STRESS energies in their totality and transform them into something positive.


While understanding your energy flows and trigger points is the first step, flipping an internal switch is the other side of the coin. All you have to do is make a conscious decision, while in the state of meditation, to transform your STRESS related energies into positive energies. That’s it. Make an internal declaration while in the state of higher consciousness and then redirect the energy in question towards a positive avenue.

For instance, while Mary is in this meditative state of observation she can take her “Terrible Boss” energy bundle and transform it towards a positive aspect of looking for and getting a new job with higher pay. So, her thoughts would shift from “My boss is the worst kind of a human being, he controls my life, if he fires me my life will be over, I am worthless, etc…” to the following  “I can’t wait for a career change or my new job, it will be an amazing work environment, much better than it is today, my new boss will appreciate everything I do, plus I will be making a lot more money and will finally be able to afford a new car, etc…”.  Basically, this switch would allow her energy to flow in a positive direction. Transforming all STRESS associated energies in the process.

In short, this little trick would allow Mary to transform her life from living hell to life filled with excitement and opportunities.  In a similar fashion, she would have the ability to convert the rest of the garbage. For example, she will be able to transform….

  • Hate to love.
  • Her stressful job to a playful career.
  • Helplessness to power.
  • Worry to excitement.
  • Fear to courage.
  • Stress to pleasure.

And so on and so forth. You get the idea. However, one important thing to keep in mind is the fact that this cannot be achieved in a single sitting or in a single meditative session. It is a process. It takes time and effort on your part. Yet, once you learn how to identify, observe, control and transform your internal energies, your life will change in an unimaginable way. In a vastly positive fashion.

To Be Continued On Monday ……..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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