Famous Last Words

CNBC Idiots

Famous last words when it comes to investing. It’s too cheap, too expensive, no way it can go any lower, it’s impossible for this stock to go any higher, it will bounce, it’s too late to sell, I will wait to exit until we are back at break even , etc…..

Speaking of, Cramer delivers again Apple too cheap to sell

Apple might not be expensive when compared to Facebook, but it doesn’t mean that the stock itself cannot decline 30-50% from today’s levels. It has done so on numerous occasions before. And it might do the same here or after investors realize that Apple’s innovative drive has died with Steve Jobs. Apple watch is a failure as I have indicated here so many times before. This same view is now starting to show up in the company’s financial statements.

Point being, investors should take emotion out of the equation and have firm stop loss points in place. And if Apple triggers them, get out. Plus, this is yet another reason as to why you shouldn’t be following mainstream financial media.


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