Fools Believe Trump’s Trade War Is An Easy Win

Quite a few people, including small cap and tech investors, believe Trump’s trade war will be a walk in the park.

We do not share in their enthusiasm.

This typical view assumes it will be an easy win (video below). Yet, this sort of an attitude often serves as a red flag. Recall, Hitler was gonna be in Moscow by November of 1941, Japanese attack would be so shocking that Americans will surrender and who could ever forget Napoleon’s “Screw Winter” comment.

You get the picture. Trade wars are very similar to shooting wars. In fact, most shooting wars start off as trade or economic wars. You just never know how much pain the other side is willing to take to prove their point. And we bet China is willing to take extraordinary amounts of pain to preserve their own growing “Empire”.

Perhaps Steven Seagal has it all figured it with the following quote.

Make no mistake, a trade war with China will be anything but easy. As our work clearly indicates, it will cause a major disaster in the US Economy and the stock market. If you would like to find out exactly when the stock market will tank, please Click Here
