How Banks Are Planning To Steal Your Cash


Make no mistake. As the war on cash accelerates over the next few years, negative interest rates are coming to the neighborhood bank near you. The timing is a simple function of how aggressive the FED wants to get when the next recession hits. One can argue that the recession is already here. But what exactly does that mean? Here is a fairly good explanation……

One bank CEO outlines what will happen to your bank account if the Fed takes interest rates negative

The answer was simple: “If rates go negative, consumer deposit rates go to zero and PNC would charge fees on accounts.” This means that customers who hold accounts at the bank would have to pay PNC, the 10th-largest bank in the US by assets, a fee to hold the money in the bank instead of vice versa.

I wish the above was a joke, but it is not. The FED will stop at nothing to destroy the last bit of sanity (savers, investors and freedom) for the benefit of the stock market casino and perceived economic wealth we have accumulated over the last few decades. Fortunately, as yours truly, some folks are starting to fight back…..

It is time for the US/EU Citizens to unite and send a clear message to the fraudsters running our central banks and governments. That message should be simple, loud and clear….

“I’ll give you my cash when you pry it from my cold, dead hands” 
