How Close Are We To A Nuclear War?

Paul Craig Roberts believes we are all but a brain fart away from such an event. A daily occurrence in the White House today.  A Hair Trigger on Endgame

We are now on the brink of a nuclear holocaust.  One false warning of nuclear attack, believed to be true, could cause Russia to launch a full-scale nuclear attack against the US and Europe.

We are on the brink of nuclear war, and we do not have a John F Kennedy in the White House to stop it. Instead, we have insane neoconservatives committed to US hegemony at all cost.

We first predicted this eventual outcome over 15 years ago. Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon. When, How & Why (Full Report)

I hope it is now painfully clear where we are heading. The report above could be read as a prophetic masterpiece with a terrible ending. That is not something I am happy about as I prefer to appear entirely foolish in this matter.

Unfortunately, things are snowballing into our exact outcome. Just a few years left, as per our timing and mathematical work, before nukes fly. 

If you would like to see my book on the subject matter, please Click Here