How The Stock Market Really Works (PART 1)

3d tunnel - invest with alex


People have a lot of misconceptions about how the stock market works. The primary two are…

  1. That the stock market is random and
  2. News, events, policy, governments, etc…. drive the stock market.

After in depth study of the market over the last 15 years, nothing could be further from the truth. The market is NOT random and news/events, etc… have no impact on the overall trajectory of the stock market. As a matter of fact, it is the market that drives events and not the other way around.

So, how does the market work? The stock market is a lot more complicated than most people believe. You see, most people view it as a two dimensional (2-D) representation of time moving up and down over time. It is a very simplistic view to take, but that’s what everyone does.  

However, the market is A LOT more complicated than that. Before I tell you what I mean, allow me to bring your attention to something else for a second. I want you to realize that Mother Nature does not produce 2-D systems. Nothing in nature is 2-D while everything in nature is at least 3 Dimensional (3-D). Look around you. Everything in the physical realm, from planets to atoms exists in 3-D.

What does this have to do with the stock market? Everything.

The stock market is NOT a 2-D environment. It exists in at least a 3 Dimensional environment. It is our human mind that cannot comprehend that and as such forces the stock market chart into the 2-D (Time/Price) chart.

Let me give you an example. Take a look at the 3-D tunnel above. Imagine a snake moving away from you by hugging the walls of the tunnel. Well, that is a 3-D movement. However, if you take this same tunnel and turn it so you face it head on, the ONLY movement you will see is UP and DOWN 2-D movements within the tunnel.

That is exactly what we see on the stock market chart. Yet, the market is a lot more complicated. Not only does it have up and down movements, it moves sideways (in volume) as well.  When one understand that, one can take financial/market analysis to the next level and predict the timing of the stock market moves mathematically with great accuracy.

This concludes Part 1 of How The Stock Market Really Works. 

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