How To Kill Stress & Fear

stressStress & Fear Kills. While my personal story above might represent an extreme example of stress, it does a very good job illustrating what stress can do if is left unattended.  

If you live in a Western Society your life is filled with stress and fears.  From the minute you wake up to the minute you fall asleep. And while different people handle or react to stress/fears in different ways, it is always there. Right underneath your skin. Family, work, finances, relationships, friends, desires, hopes, dreams, anxiety, depression, failures, goals, etc… The list goes on and it never ends. All of that brings an immense amount of pressure into your life, causing all sort of medical, psychological and other life issues.

On top of that, all of us stress about or fear different issues.  While some people stress out about the world ending because they are addicted to the negative news coverage, others stress out about not being able to afford their next meal.  And while you might be stressing about the security of your job, your best friend might fear the deteriorating health of his wife. One thing is for sure. Every one of us lives an extremely stressful life, full of fears. In one form or another.

In fact, according to the American Psychological Association (American Institute of Stress), over 50% of all Americans deal with extreme stress on the daily basis. Particularly,

  • Percent of people who regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress
77 %
  • Regularly experience psychological symptoms caused by stress
73 %
  • Feel they are living with extreme stress
33 %
  • Feel their stress has increased over the past five years
48 %
  • Cited money and work as the leading cause of their stress
76 %
  • Reported lying awake at night due to stress
48 %

As you can imagine, this is a huge health hazard and it is literally killing you.  What’s more, if you work in a high pressure or a high stress environment, that number is likely to be at 100%.  Professionals who are involved in the fields of law enforcement, medicine, warfare, financial markets, business, sports, high pressure sales, etc… feel an immense amount of stress on the daily basis.  With my primary source of income coming from investing and trading on Wall Street, I can attest to that with firsthand knowledge. As was demonstrated earlier.

Can anything be done to reduce stress and to get rid of fear?
Absolutely. That is what this book is all about. But I am not talking about minimizing or reducing stress and fear.  I am talking about something that has never been done before.  I am talking about taking stress and fear related energies and transforming them into a powerful force that can then be used for other purposes. Imagine not only being able to completely get rid of stress and fear, but also taking the energy associated with such negative feelings and applying them towards something you love. Channeling that energy towards a creative process or spending more quality time with your kids or even starting a business.  This book turns this dream into a reality.

This reminds me of a story about Alexander the Great.  As he was leaving India on the way back home, he remembered that the elite ruling class back in Macedon had asked him to bring back an “Enlightened Man”. As no such man existed in the West at the time. After asking around he was told that such a man exists and luckily for Alexander he lives right on the path that led home.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Site?) 


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