How To Stop Negative Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

business ideasContinuation from Monday……..If you were a simple body and mind configuration, you would not be able to observe your own thoughts as you just did or as if you were an outsider looking in. Think about it. How can a mind observer itself while generating various thought patterns? That would be impossible.  That leads only to one conclusion.  A third point of reference is needed in order to observe both your thoughts and your body. That third point of reference is your Human Consciousness.

A few years ago I was on an 8 hour hike with a friend of mine. About an hour into the hike Jim started to suffer from a migraine that was literally killing him. It had gotten so bad that he could barely walk. He ended up throwing up a number of times and had to sit down every 200 yards or so just to gather his energy. At times I could barely get him up.  I distinctly remember Jim telling me, “Man, my headache is so bad I wish would die right now”. He looked terrible and while I could sympathize with his pain I couldn’t feel it. I knew it was there, but I couldn’t internalize it…..I couldn’t experience it. I was just an observer.

When you begin to observe YOUR OWN thoughts, feelings and emotions you begin to react in exactly the same fashion. You become an observer. You are then able to disassociate yourself from all of your own mental processes. While it might take a fair amount of practice to get to that point, once you comprehend how your mind works, it will become a lot easier.

For instance, you might have had a really bad day at work where your boss ripped you a new one. The incident was so bad that you believe that another tiny slip up would result in your firing.  It is important to now illustrate how you would react to such an incident with and without the ability to be an observer.

WITHOUT Having an Ability to Observe Your Own Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions: (The Old You)

You will immediately become identified with the incident. Your mind/brain will immediately begin to generate all sorts of crazy and negative thought patters and feelings. You will begin thinking how stupid you were, that you have made a mistake, that you are not worthy to have your job, that your boss is right, that you will be fired, that you should probably start looking for a new job, that you will not be able to provide for your family, that your wife or husband will leave you, that you will soon become homeless and die of starvation, that you are a loser, that you are a failure, that you are worthless, that God hates you and so on and so forth.  The feelings of anger towards your boss will follow shortly thereafter.

Basically, the mind will create a negative spiral within your human form on multiple levels. Including your body, mind, feelings, emotions and thoughts.  For as long as it lasts, you will literally live in the hell of your own making.  You will associate with and you will become that negativity energy. Unfortunately, that is exactly how most of us live today.

WITH Having an Ability to Observe Your Own Thoughts, Feelings & Emotions (The New You):

On the contrary, when you become an observer, all of your thoughts, feelings and emotions fall by the wayside. While your mind will still generate the negative thought pattern described above, you will not be impacted by them. You will simply acknowledge that these thoughts exist and move on. In fact, it would develop in the following fashion

  1. Your mind will begin to develop thoughts suggesting that you were stupid, that you have made a mistake, that you are a loser, etc…. Just as above.
  2. At this stage you would shift into the state of Higher Consciousness and begin to observe your thoughts.  As if you were watching a movie.
  3. While in the state of higher consciousness you would simply acknowledge and then dismiss your mind. You would instruct your mind and your thoughts to “Get Lost”.

That’s all there is to it. By cutting your thoughts at the root of the problem you are then able to escape all the negativity associated with having a long lasting negative experience. All in one swoop.  In other words, by dissociating from your mind and by becoming an observer your thoughts, feelings and emotions would not be able to impact you.

To see this process in action, repeat Exercise #1 with one slight variation. Instead of simply observing your thoughts, recall a situation that makes you mad beyond believe. Whatever it might be.  When your blood is at a boiling point, stop, close your eyes, shift into the state of higher consciousness and begin to observe your thoughts, feelings and emotions associated with it. As you do, you will soon realize and understand just how ridiculous your anger is.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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