Idiotic NFL Issue: Created By Criminally Insane Warlords For Dumbed Down Masses & Ignorant Presstitutes

There is no other way to say it. President Trump is a complete f$%*ing moron. And so am I, by the way, for voting for the guy. Apparently the threat of a nuclear war within Asia is not good enough, the orange buffoon now needs to cover his tracks with yet another pointless charade. This time against the men in spandex who run around the field holding a ball. YES, the NFL.

Trump Escalates War With NFL In Early Tweetstorm

Excuse my language, but who give a #$%$.

Here are just 3 issues American Presstitutes should concentrate on today.

Issue #1: 

Says Nuke Launch at US “Inevitable” 

Who cares? Well, you might if you knew that the US is unable to shoot these ICBMs down.

US Cannot Shoot Down DPRK Missiles: Global Defense Experts

Issue #2: 

US-led coalition airstrikes near Raqqa killed 84 civilians, HRW says

Just one of many, but yes, if you pay taxes in the US, you are a war criminal. Just as I am. Think about that one for a second.

Issue #3: 

Russia Reveals Footage of US Forces Near Daesh Positions North of Deir-ez-Zor

Imagine that, another conspiracy theory is proven to be true. And what does that make us (American Citizens)?

On second thought, forget about all of the above. Let’s talk about some 300 lbs man with 10 concussions and his knee bending ability. That indeed appears to be much more important. Bread and circuses for the masses.

We do live in strange times. What else is there to say.