Is Apple (AAPL) Stock Price About To Fly To A New All Time High? Find Out

With so much Doom & Gloom flying around it is hard to imagine that Apple (AAPL) stock price might reach a new all time high in a relatively short order. 

Can it? 

Let’s explore by taking a look at our TIME variables first. 

As you can see from the chart below AAPL has a mid cycle bottom arriving sometime this year and an equally important top next year. 

Further, our TIMING cluster work identifies end of October (+/- a few trading days) as an important date for the stock. As you can see our software identifies 5 mid-term and 4 long-term cycles arriving at this time. Meaning, it is an important TIME juncture where the stock can either put in a top or a bottom. 

Further, advanced mathematical calculations suggest the bottom Apple (AAPL) stock saw in June was not THE bottom of its post January decline. Meaning, we should see lower prices. 

Finally, assuming the above works out as anticipated, it is quite possible Apple (AAPL) stocks surges to a new all time high in 2023. 

In summary, the above analysis is vague for a reason. Our internal analysis posted just a few hours ago has exact dates and prices associated with all of the above. For instance, it looks something like this…….

  • AAPL should XXXX on October XX at $XXX (+/- $2)
  • Once the XXXX is put in place, Apple stock should XXXX into XXXX of 2023. Our calculations show Apple should reach $XXX (+/- $2) on XXX.

If you would like to find out what our time and price calculations show in full, please Click Here