Is Something Bad About To Happen?

You know our Nuclear WW-III Exchange forecast. The timing for that civilization ending debacle is not yet at hand, but I believe something really bad might happen over the next few weeks. Here is why…….

War criminal demons and genocidal maniacs at every level of the US Government desperately need a big war to cover up their domestic and international crimes. At the very least, to sway the election. 

    1. Bipartisan Calls Grow For Ukraine To Hit Russian Territory With US Arms
    2. Putin just had very good trip to China. War was most definitely discussed. China immediately started to act aggressive around Taiwan, moving military assets into place.  
    3. Putin immediately went back and met with Belorussian President Lukashenko to discuss “Nuclear Drills”. If you would recall, Russia deployed tactical nukes to Belarus last year.  All of the above is not by accident. Something big is happening. 
    4. Russian Media has changed its tone. I am fluent in Russian and the message is clear. We are done messing around. If NATO attacks Russia we will respond directly. 
    5. Our overall stock market forecast. 
    6. Our commodities forecasts. Particularly Gold, Oil and Natural Gas. All project violent moves this year. 

When you combine all of the above, I would conclude the probability of something major happening over the next few weeks is very high.

We can speculate on a number of different scenarios, but a US Missile hitting some civilian target on a Russian territory is highly probable. They have been really good at that lately.

And considering what Russian Media is saying, particularly Putin’s most famous mouthpiece, Russia might use a tactical nuke on one of the NATO bases. What happens thereafter is anyone’s guess. 

I do truly hope I am wrong. 

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