Is Today’s Real Estate Bubble Bigger Than 2006?

housing bubble investwithalex

Not according to most people. Particularly, home building and home depot CEOs. According to them, get this, the housing market will continue to improve due to a shift towards smarter homes and LED lights. Insanity.

Housing today: A ‘bubble larger than 2006’

The good news is, some people in the article above do have their heads screwed on right.

Hanson, often criticized for being a housing bear, points to the institutional and foreign buyers who have flooded the market since 2012, buying up distressed and lower-priced homes, as well as some new construction, all with cash. He calls it an exact replay of the last housing boom, “when unorthodox demand with unorthodox capital would pay any price it took to hit the bid. In short, end-users today are being handed a red-hot potato market already in a bubble larger than 2006.

And while some Americans might feel house rich for the time being, there is this gem to consider Most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings

As for yours truly, I continue to maintain the view that the US Housing Market is putting in a multi decade double top. And anyone who is buying a house today, will regret that decision a couple of years down the road. In fact, my analysis remains exactly the same…..

The only hope homeowners have at this stage is the FED going into a full out “Monetization” mode. And while that will create a whole set of terrible economic problems, at least mortgages will be monetized and/or inflated away. At the same time, I wouldn’t bet on it. z32

Is Today’s Real Estate Bubble Bigger Than 2006?  Google

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