It’s A Cold Day In Hell……

angry larry summers

….when I have to agree with Larry Summers, but he is right on the money here. China playing dangerous stock market game: Summers

Comparing the Greece debt drama and the recent meltdown in the Chinese stock market, the situation in China represents a “greater source of financial risk to the world.

I thought the strategy of manipulating the market upwards that the Chinese were pursuing was quite a dangerous one…….

The problem is, everyone is playing the same game. The EU with their debt problem and Greece and the FED with the US stock market/economy. Although, in more subtle way when compared with the Chinese.

Understand something very important. At this juncture it is a confidence game. As soon as investors lose confidence in either the Chinese government or the FED or the EU clowns, it will all come crashing down. And fast. The only question is…..WHEN? Click Here to find that out.


It’s A Cold Day In Hell…… Google