Russia Gets Rid Of Satan. Replaces It With Satan 2.0 Squared.

I am literally amazed by human stupidity. We are willing to kill each other or fight massive wars in the name of love, hate, religion, a piece of rock, some immaterial flag or pointless ideal. Unfortunately, we have now gotten to the point where the next war can and WILL wipe us all out.  As outlined here Nuclear World War 3 Is Coming Soon.When, How & Why

As we get closer to that unfortunate time, lets get the latest and what weapons await us all.

Allow me to summarize. The US Navy warmongers sail a fully armed destroyer 70 km away from a massive Russia Navy Base/City in Kaliningrad (just 50 km from Russia) and then spend two weeks bitching that Russian jets did a flyover that was too close for comfort. With a number of US political and military leaders suggesting that the next time any such “Russian Aggression” will be met with force.

That is insanity at its finest and shows exactly what is wrong with our leadership. While the timing is not yet right, when it is right, an incident above can very easily get the ball rolling.

In the meantime, Russia is re-arming its nuclear arsenal with Satan 2.0 Squared. Hypersonic warhead for future ICBM successfully tested in Russia

All modern nuclear warheads are delivered on targets using ballistic trajectory that can be calculated, therefore such warheads could be intercepted. Hypersonic warheads currently in design would be capable of maneuvering by yaw and pitch, eventually becoming impossible to intercept, thus making any existing and upcoming missile defense system impotent.

Sounds awesome. As I have said it before, it’s all fun and games until ICBM’s start criss-crossing the oceans.
