Jim Rogers’s Shocking Interview

daily update May 2nd

5/2/2016 – A positive day with the Dow Jones up 116 points (+0.66%) and the Nasdaq up 42 points (+0.88%). 

If you participate in financial markets the interview below is a MUST watch. Not only does Jim Rogers talks about a ton of outstanding investment ideas, what the future holds, politics and macroeconomic data, for the first time he acknowledges that war will be the likely outcome of today’s macroeconomic/financial imbalances. Something that I have been talking about on this blog for over two years.  I am just glad that our views and financial analysis match to the tune of 95-99%. 

This conclusion is further supported by my mathematical and timing work. It clearly shows a severe bear market between 2015-2017. In fact, when it starts it will very quickly retrace most of the gains accrued over the last few years.  If you would be interested in learning when the bear market of 2015-2017 will start (to the day) and its internal composition, please CLICK HERE.

(***Please Note: A bear market might have started already, I am simply not disclosing this information. Due to my obligations to my Subscribers I am unable to provide you with more exact forecasts. In fact, I am being “Wishy Washy” at best with my FREE daily updates here. If you would be interested in exact forecasts, dates, times and precise daily coverage, please Click Here). Daily Stock Market Update. May 2nd, 2016

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