Just How Much Student Debt Is Out There

student debt

The amount of student debt out there is truly staggering. Another problem is… is going parabolic. Up about $300 Billion in a little over a year. I guess the only positive out of all of this is that Wall Street is not yet creating CDOs out of student debt and then selling it to Greece.  Although, some people already use student loans as their home equity ATM’s.

Here are some things I wrote about the subject matter before. They are just as relevant today……

Obama’s New Student Debt Law Perpetuates The State Of Welfare
Why You Should Default On Your Student Debt….Today!!!
Private Debt Crisis. Roadmap To Next Economic Collapse?
America’s Experiment In Debt Slavery Continues Unabated
Warning: Student Loans Replace Home Equity ATM’s

How any of this ends well is beyond me.


Just How Much Student Debt Is Out There Google