Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Conspiracy Theory Lives On. And Always Will.

As a money manager, it’s my job to question everything and to dismiss most things I see/hear from the traditional media/government sources as outer nonsense. If I don’t, I will lose money. It is as simple as that. Which brings me to the quick point I would like to make about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. I wrote about Flight 370 before, Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean? Here are my follow up questions…… 

How did they find the plane (black box ping) so fast given the size of the Indian Ocean and the depth of the plane (15,000 feet)? Click Here to see how deep it is……hint….it will blow your mind. Even with the projected/estimated flight path at hand, given the size of the search area and the depth of the plane, it would take an outright miracle to find it this fast. I fathom this would be equivalent to finding an individual grain of sand on a 10 miles long stretch of a beach.  In my opinion, the only way to find that plane is to know exactly where it is. The only way to hear that ping is to sit right on top of it. The only way to do that is to, once again, know exactly where that plane had crashed. How did they know? Who crashed it there? Unfortunately we will never know. 

Always question everything….it will make you smarter. Looks like my conclusion here was right on the money. 

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 investwithalex

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