
baseballContinuation from yesterday…..(What Falling In Love With Stress Really Means)

Thus far we have covered traditional tools and exercises that have the ability to minimize your daily STRESS levels.  And while you will see a significant improvement in your life, the tools above will never free you completely.   They are best viewed in the light of being a medicine as opposed to being an outright cure.  If you desire an absolute solution and would like to completely remove STRESS from of your life, on all levels, the approach below is the only cure.


That’s right, meditation. If you live in the Western Society it is highly probable that you have a highly distorted view of what meditation really is. Generally, people living in the West fall into the following categories.

  1. People who have never hear of meditation. Period. They are completely oblivious to what that even is.
  2. People who have heard of it, but believe it is a useless exercise. They see no point in the subject matter. They would rather do Yoga then to meditate.
  3. People who know exactly what meditation is, have tried it before, but have failed to gauge the benefits of it. Quitting shortly thereafter.
  4. People who have made meditation their daily practice. Typically, they see the benefits of it, but they can’t stop themselves from having the latest and the greatest when it comes to meditation. They have the most comfortable mat, the best “meditation music” and they constantly join various meditation groups.
  5. Finally, we have hard core mediators. These are the people who make meditation their primary concern in life.

What’s interesting is that most of the people above miss the mark. No matter to what category you belong to, chances are, you have missed the true purpose of meditation by at least a mile. Let’s start at the beginning while being as blunt as possible. That is without using all of the “mystic” mumbo jumbo found in most religions and spiritual texts.

Yet, as the warning in the beginning of the book suggested, there is no way to verify any of this. The only way to verify is through your own experience.For instance, no one can explain to you, no matter how vividly, what it feels like to be hit in the head with a baseball flying at 100 MPS. The pain associated with such an incident can only be experienced when you are actually hit with a baseball flying at such a speed. Same thing applies to mediation and its eventual outcome. It must be experienced, not talked about.

Meditation has been a key part of most Eastern Cultures, particularly those in India, long before the first page of the Old Testament was written.  Perhaps it has been with us longer than the latest evolution of the human being.  Some apes are known to exhibit meditative behaviors, although that has never been proven.  Well, it cannot be proven. Either way, key questions remain.  What is the purpose of meditation, why has the practice survived for tens of thousands of years and how does it really work?

Let’s attempt to find some straight answers.

To Be Continued On Monday….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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