At What Point Patriotism Becomes Fascism?

Unfortunately, I don’t have any answers today. Just questions. Just something to think about if you are a concerned American citizen, as I am. Watching the country I love disintegrate in front of my eyes.

When it comes to the NFL stupidity, Idiotic NFL Issue: Created By Criminally Insane Warlords For Dumbed Down Masses & Ignorant Presstitutes, Mr. Trump wants us to believe in a singular message. If you disrespect the National Anthem, you are a piece of s$#* unworthy of your Citizenship.

Fair enough, but let me ask you this……

  • Do you think German soldiers were “Patriotic” when they have slaughtered untold millions in the name of the Deutschland? I am sure everyone one of them believed they were doing their patriotic duty.
  • Do you think Japanese soldiers were patriotic when they went on a murderous rampage in the South Pacific?

Etc….you get the idea.  

Now, let me ask you this, as an American citizen, do you feel “Patriotic” when the US Government destroys the entire Middle East in the name of “Profit”? Directly killing and displacing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people.

Do you feel “Patriotic” when they sell billions in weapons to Saudi Scumrabia and they use those weapons to go on a murderous genocide in Yemen?

Do you feel Patriotic? 

And finally……who are the real patriots here? 

Warmongers in Washington who have killed thousands and are now pushing us towards a Nuclear War with North Korea -OR- ordinary Americans who are sick and tired of this BS.

Again, no answers, just questions. Definitely something to think about today.