What If President Trump Is Indeed Brilliant – And If He Is – Will He Collapse The Stock Market Next

I am going to propose something outlandish here. President Trump is indeed playing 8 dimensional chess while the rest of us are trying to figure out checkers. Bare with me for a second.

As you know, I have been an outspoken critic of President Trump over the last few months,  after voting for the guy in November.


Well, he has flipped on nearly all major issues he has campaigned on. In addition, he has turned into a psychopathic warmonger who is now inches away from a nuclear conflict.

Finally, he has taken credit for the stock market run up that has nothing to do with him personally. A huge mistake that we have covered here before  Trump Voter: Is President Trump A Complete Idiot Or Just Pretending To Be?

If you recall, during the Presidential campaign Mr. Trump has said that the stock market is in a “Big, Fat and Ugly”, bubble and that Janet Yellen was juicing it.  That is to say, he is very much aware of the fact that we are in a financial bubble.

Anyway, this post is already getting long, so, here is my hypothesis……

  1. Trump is very much aware of the stock market bubble.
  2. He proceeded to juice the market with the help of central bankers and his tax plan. Tax plan that was very short on detail until a few weeks ago. Even now it is just a 9 page summary that quite a few people have said is full of hot air and will never pass in its current form. Perhaps that was done by design as well. I suggest you read David Stockman’s Blog in that regard or if you need more information.
  3. Once the Congress kills Trump’s tax plan, the stock market will/should collapse. We even get this Treasury secretary: Pass a tax bill or markets will tank
  4. Market crashes from today’s obscene valuation levels.

Any rational person might be questioning my sanity right about now, wondering what in the world am I talking about.

That would be 2018 mid-term elections.

To basically drain the swamp and to assume full control. Just imagine what would happen if Trump points towards  the legislative branch and blames them for the market/economic collapse. They will be thrown out of office. Checkmate and game over.

I guess we can conclude this with 3 simple questions. Have I lost my mind? Is President Trump an Idiot? Is President Trump playing at a much higher playing field that we mere mortals don’t understand?

I guess we are about to find out. 

In terms of the stock market, the situation is incredibly complex. If you would like to find out what happens next, based on our mathematical and timing work, please Click Here.