Shocking: Obama Asks For $500 Million To Wage War Against American Interests

another war in syria

At times I feel as if I live in an alternative Universe where stupidity is rewarded and common sense is frowned upon. Obama’s request for $500 Million to “finance” Syrian rebels is a perfect illustration of that. Obama seeks $500M to train, equip Syrian rebels

 Obama’s request to Congress for $500 million in training and arms to the opposition in effect opens a second front in the fight against militants spilling over Syria’s border and threatening to overwhelm neighboring Iraq. 

So, let me get this straight. The Obama administration is seeking $500 Million to

  • Perpetuate war in a foreign country & destabilize the entire region.
  • Directly finance the same people they are trying to fight. ISIS, Al Queda and who knows what else.
  • So the above mentioned groups can then turn around to fight Iraq’s army and the American “advisers” on the ground in Iraq

Now, anyone who thinks that these Syrian rebels or “freedom fighters” are not a part of the terrorist network or a part of ISIS, Al Queda, etc…. are seriously out of their mind. There could be no clear distinction made and I challenge you to study the subject matter. In essence, Obama is asking for $500 Million to fight America with American money. It is rarely that we see this level of stupidity. Even by Washington’s standards.


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