Shocking Revelation: The POPE Was Behind Nerve Gas Attack On Former Russian Spy In U.K.

Yet another once great nation is being flushed down the toilet.

Yes, I am talking about the U.K. How stupid do these politicians think we are.

Will Britain launch CYBER ATTACK on Moscow? Theresa May gives Putin until midnight to explain how a ‘brazen’ attack occurred on British soil using Russian-made nerve agent… or face consequences

  • Britain could launch cyber attack, expel diplomats and impose a travel ban
  • PM delivered crucial statement to the House of Commons on Russia spy row
  • She said it was ‘highly likely’ the Russian state was involved in ‘despicable’ act 
  • PM said she has heard damning evidence nerve agent came from Russian lab 
  • Scientist reveals horrific torturous effect of Novichok nerve agents on victims 

Fair enough Theresa May.

However, I would suggest the following. Before you drag the rest of the civilized world into a thermonuclear war with Russia, a war that will send the U.K. into the next dimension in under 2 minutes, you might want to share your so called “highly likely damning evidence”

It wasn’t that long ago that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the Twin Towers collapsed under their own weight, Assad was behind ISIS and the Earth was flat.

Show us the evidence Ms. May. 

We are all big boys and girls here. Pointing the finger at Putin and hysterically screaming “he did it” is not good enough in today’s society. Although, I have to admit, that typically works for the dumbed-down masses on both sides of the pond.

I will go out on a limb here and bet my left kidney that we will never see any evidence in this case. Just as we haven’t seen any evidence of the Trump/Russia collusion or anything else for that matter.

Smoke and mirrors. So much so that we might as well assume the Pope did it.
