Should The Rich Be Allowed To Live Longer?


Most Americans can agree at least on one thing. Our entire healthcare system is beyond repair. Not in terms of quality and associated technologies, which are by far the best in the world, but due to a sheer wastage/cost of our insurance based system.

And with new technologies and drugs coming onto the market at increasingly unbelievable prices, costs only the rich will be able to afford, an important question arises. Should the rich be allowed to live longer, perhaps twice as long as the rest of the populace?

There is no question that our lifespans have increased dramatically, as a whole, over the last 200 or so years. Yet, should the ruling class have the ability to live 200-500 years while the rest die? I don’t have the answer to that, but it is definitely something worth thinking about.


Should The Rich Be Allowed To Live Longer? Google