How You Could Have Squeezed An Additional 1,100% ROI From Apple Inc


Continuation from yesterday……Turning our original 75 bagger into an 86 bagger. While not a significant increase, still, it is a substantial improvement from our original investment.  Particularly, when you realize that the Nasdaq remains in the negative territory since its March of 2000 top. It is also important to note that much better entry and exit points are possible when an analyst or an investor is working closely with the underlying stock. Most of the entry and exit points above were based on higher highs or lower lows on the long-term chart to illustrate the validity of the concept. When actual trades are executed it is possible to be just a few points or a few days away from the actual tops/bottoms. Supercharging our performance even more.

Finally, while it is likely capital gains taxes will minimize the overall impact of the additional 1,100% ROI, this remains a strategy worth perusing. Particularly in today’s secular bear market. For instance, right now (August 2014) would be an excellent time to start thinking about liquidating a long Apple position in preparation for an upcoming bear market of 2014-2017. If nothing else, any investor in Apple’s stock should be on a heightened state of alert. Ready to sell his long position and go short at a moment’s notice.

As the upcoming bear market leg develops, it is highly probable that Apple’s stock will decline significantly due to its general overvaluation and a substantial bubble in the overall stock market. Triggering a decline similar, in both magnitude and duration, to the one sustained between 2007 top and 2009 bottom. Any investor executing the strategy above should be able to protect his gains, profit on the downside and re-enter his position at a much lower price when the foresaid bear market ends.  Pushing his or her overall returns even higher.

To Be Continued On Monday…….


How You Could Have Squeezed An Additional 1,100% ROI From Apple Inc Google

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