Stock Market Complacency Hits An All Time High

Gone are the days when the stock market actually oscillated. Thanks to the FED and their little liquidity party, we have been in a narrow upward slopping channel for over 6 years now. Is the party about to end?

Well, as the video above pertains, very few people think so. VIX/VXX are close to their respective all time lows, there is a lot of complacency, most believe that we are in a secular bull market that has at least 10 years left, etc….. At the same time Put Option Cost At An All Time High, Crash Coming?

But don’t despair just yet.

According to the same video, get this, the party is not even close to being over. Why? Because we haven’t seen the speculative blow off typically associated with market tops. That is to say, most money managers believe it still OK to speculate away. Preferably on margin. I wish them luck.


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