Stock Market Update. April 30th, 2014.

daily chart April 30 2014

Another up day with the Dow Jones up 45 points (0.27%) and the Nasdaq up 11 points (0.27%). 

Even though today’s FED release did not contain anything unexpected and the market ended up reacting in a positive fashion, from my vantage point, their tightening is just another death blow to today’s bull market/economy. As I have illustrated here so many times before, the FED is out of touch with reality.

It is a reactionary force at best. Earlier today I showed that the real GDP growth was a negative 1% (if you take temporary Obamacare boost out), plunging the US Economy into a technical and “unofficial” recession.  Yet, the FED continues to tighten. While I am not a proponent of QE or any other sort of artificial stimulus, tightening now is equivalent to financial suicide.

With the stock market sitting close to an all time high, this sort of a setup is a recipe for a disaster. There is no economic recovery and/or growth ahead. Instead, we have a highly leveraged/speculative economy that is running on fumes…..with FED tightening to boot. In a nutshell, watch this market blow sky high in a spectacular fashion as soon as other market participants realize this fact.

This is further confirmed by our mathematical and timing work. Again, our work shows a severe bear market between 2014-2017. When it starts it will very quickly retrace most of the gains accrued over the last few years. If you would be interested in learning exactly when the bear market will start (to the day) and its subsequent internal composition, please CLICK HERE

(***Please Note: Due to my obligations to my Subscribers I am unable to provide you with more exact forecasts. In fact, I am being “Wishy Washy” at best with my FREE daily updates here. If you would be interested in exact forecasts, dates, times and precise daily coverage, please Click Here). 

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