Stolen Elections, Assassinations & A Constitutional Crisis Ahead

Thus far I have been hesitant to render any sort of an opinion about the upcoming election. As recently as May and June of this year there were too many moving variables to warrant an accurate guess. 

That has changed. I believe it is now crystal clear. This ties well into our stock market work and/or our mathematical calculations. 

If you would recall, throughout June we published a series of Is Something Bad About To Happen?

At that time we speculated that while we were not sure what was about to go down, something big was about to happen. This was tied into our stock market work. Trump’s assassination attempt on July 14th would have definitely qualified for the above if it was successful. 

Now, hear me out…….(btw, I don’t belong to any party). 

It is becoming obvious that this election will be stolen. Constant MSM propaganda is at historic levels and is clearly directed towards that outcome.  Just open Drudge Report and you would be led to believe that Trump is done and over with while Kamala is surging in polls. Anyone with two brains cells to rub together would know it to be a blatant lie.

But I digress as none of that really matters. 

Here is what I believe will happen over the next few months. Once again, this ties into our stock market work. 

Scenario #1:  Trump’s landslide victory is too much to overcome with cheating. Expect all sort of possibilities out of this scenario.  For instance, I wouldn’t put it past the democrats to start an all out war between NATO Vs. Russia or to force the nation into some sort of a civil clash. Obviously, another assassination attempt would be in the cards as well. Just about anything and everything will be on the table in order to prevent Trump from taking power.

Scenario #2:  Kamala “wins”. And while the cretins from the MSM will surely celebrate her “historic victory”, not many straight thinking Americans will accept it as such.

I have theory for this particular outcome and I haven’t heard anyone discusse it.

If you would recall, with Texas in the lead a number of states challenged the 2020 election results as there were too many “inconsistencies” or the election was deemed, by many, as fraudulent.  The case was thrown out as Texas and other states were found not to have standing.  At least according to the Supreme Court. 

I have a feeling that Texas and at least 20 other red states will simply say NO this time around and will NOT go quietly into the night. Particularly, if this anticipated election fraud will be in your face evident. 

What will the Federal Government do, what will the States? That’s anyone’s guess at this point, but the whole setup would force a constitutional crisis – at the very least. 

One thing is clear. No matter what happens or who wins the 2024 election, the shit storm to follow will be of historic proportions.