12/9/2014 – A mixed day with the Dow Jones down 52 points (-0.29%) and the Nasdaq up 26 points (+0.54%).
Another superb MarketWatch article that I highly recommend. Investors must believe in magic to buy stocks now
Most of the things discussed in the article match my overall view. Primarily, the fact that today’s stock market is priced beyond perfection and the fact that numerous technical/sentiment indicators are flashing a red light. So much so that I will explore this idea and show through valuation work (in about two weeks) that when adjusted for interest rates and QE, we are now at the highest valuation levels ever. Higher than 2000 and 2007 tops.
Of course, that doesn’t mean the stock market can’t push higher. It simply means that anyone who is investing for the long-term at this juncture is playing a very dangerous game of buying at the top.
This conclusion is further supported by my mathematical and timing work. It clearly shows a severe bear market between 2014-2017. In fact, when it starts it will very quickly retrace most of the gains accrued over the last few years. If you would be interested in learning when the bear market of 2014-2017 will start (to the day) and its internal composition, please CLICK HERE
(***Please Note: Due to my obligations to my Subscribers I am unable to provide you with more exact forecasts. In fact, I am being “Wishy Washy” at best with my FREE daily updates here. If you would be interested in exact forecasts, dates, times and precise daily coverage, please Click Here). Daily Stock Market Update. December 9th, 2014 InvestWithAlex.com
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