The Dow Is Going To 44,000. Minus 34,000.

Long Term Dow Structure3

I was waiting for this. Nothing screams out “Market Top” more than some perma bull claiming that the market is going to hit 44,000. Bull markets don’t die of old age, why Dow 44,000 is coming

“We’ve been on record since the 4th quarter of 2008 saying that U.S. stocks were entering a 15 to 20 year bull secular bull market. While people have come around to being more bullish I don’t think people believe we have another 10 years left.”

And that’s the biggest problem with these idiotic projections and people claiming that 2009 bottom was the end of the bear market and the beginning of the next secular 20 year bull market.  I guess it’s alright to have a 20 year secular bull market, yet it is impossible to have a 20 year bear market.

I have some bad news for them. If you study the market going all the way back to the first day of trading (May 22nd, 1790), you would soon realize that Bull/Bear markets alternate in almost perfect 17/18 year cycles. Meaning, the 2009 bottom was a mid cycle bottom similar to 1974, 1937, 1908, etc….. and not the termination point of the bear market that initiated on January 14th, 2000. The final 2014-2017 stage of this bear market will prove me right without a shadow of the doubt. Get ready. 


The Dow Is Going To 44,000. Minus 34,000.  Google