Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Conspiracy Theory Lives On. And Always Will.

As a money manager, it’s my job to question everything and to dismiss most things I see/hear from the traditional media/government sources as outer nonsense. If I don’t, I will lose money. It is as simple as that. Which brings me to the quick point I would like to make about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. I wrote about Flight 370 before, Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean? Here are my follow up questions…… 

How did they find the plane (black box ping) so fast given the size of the Indian Ocean and the depth of the plane (15,000 feet)? Click Here to see how deep it is……hint….it will blow your mind. Even with the projected/estimated flight path at hand, given the size of the search area and the depth of the plane, it would take an outright miracle to find it this fast. I fathom this would be equivalent to finding an individual grain of sand on a 10 miles long stretch of a beach.  In my opinion, the only way to find that plane is to know exactly where it is. The only way to hear that ping is to sit right on top of it. The only way to do that is to, once again, know exactly where that plane had crashed. How did they know? Who crashed it there? Unfortunately we will never know. 

Always question everything….it will make you smarter. Looks like my conclusion here was right on the money. 

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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Conspiracy Theory Lives On. And Always Will.  Google

Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean? (Final Chapter)

An excellent report from RT (see below) asking some incredibly important questions. It would be wonderful if CNN can look into some of the questions below instead of “spotting and analyzing garbage” in the Indian Ocean. Conspiracy theory or not, those questions must be answered. As far as I am concerned there are two possible explanations. 

Main Stream Media/Governments:  Flight 370 turned off transponders, communication, turned around for no apparent reason and flew for 8-9 hours only to crash in the middle of the Indian Ocean. WTF? Even if there was a catastrophic failure on board, they didn’t have 2 seconds to put their oxygen masks on and send some sort of a distress signal? Give me a break. If that was the case, the plane would crash right away. Basically, this view has more holes than 10 pounds of Swiss cheese.  Even if true, the questions below must be answered. 

Conspiracy Theory:  Flight 370-Boeing 777 was intercepted by the US Military forces and flown remotely to the US Secret Diego Garcia military base. Mind you, the US Military has the technology to control Boeing planes like drones (with Boeing being one of the largest US defense contractors). Read my previous report here. 

Yet, not a single Western “main stream” media outlet has even mentioned that Diego Garcia Base was in the direct fly path or that it even exists. Why?   

The bottom line is, there are more questions than answer. Yet, no one is asking the right questions. Based on my analysis of the situation I expect the plane to be found at some point in the future around the region where they are searching today. However, we will never know which scenario had transpired. If it was indeed a conspiracy, there will no evidence found. The US would simply crash the plane in the Indian Ocean (if they haven’t done so already) and all evidence will be destroyed….even if the plane is found. My condolences go out to the families.  

Yet, the right questions remain (read the report below)…….   

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Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean? (Final Chapter) Google

Disappearance of MH 370 flight: The trillion dollar question to the US and its intelligence services

Malaysian media should pose critical questions to the US and its Intelligence Services and not to the Malaysian Government.

Let me state from the outset that I totally agree with the press statements by Malaysia’s Defence Minister and Acting Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein that “we have conducted ourselves fairly, responsibly and history will judge us for that.”

And to a mischievous and presumptuous question from a correspondent of the Financial Times, Datuk Seri with confidence and integrity rightly said without any fear of contradiction that, “I don’t think we could have done anything different from what we have already done.” Well done!

The Financial Times, CNN and other foreign media ought to pose similar questions to the US and its intelligence services and stop insinuating that Malaysia has not been transparent and/or engaged in a cover-up. Foreign media should stop engaging in dirty politics!

It is my hope that following the publication of this article, Malaysian mass media will focus on questioning the integrity of the US’s assistance to Malaysia in the first three weeks of the SAR mission, notwithstanding its recent offer of more assistance.

I take comfort that my reservations about the US and its intelligence services as well as other intelligence services closely linked to the US, especially British secret service, have been more than vindicated by Reuters in its news report on 28th March, 2014 entitled Geopolitical games handicap hunt for flight MH370:

As mystery deepened over the fate of the Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers and crew, most of them Chinese it became clear that highly classified military technology might hold the key. But the investigation became deadlocked over the reluctance of others to share sensitive data, a reticence that appeared to harden as the search area widened.

“‘This is turning into a spy novel,‘ said an envoy from a Southeast Asian country, noting it was turning attention to areas and techniques few countries liked to publicly discuss.

Ultimately, the only country with the technical resources to recover the plane – or at least its black box recorder, which could lie in water several miles deep – may be the United States. Its deep-sea vehicles ultimately hauled up the wreckage of Air France 447 after its 2009 crash into a remote region of the South Atlantic.” (emphasis added)


Wing Commander Rob Shearer looks through binoculars on the flight deck of a Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3K2 Orion aircraft during a search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 over the southern Indian Ocean, March 29, 2014. (Reuters)

Wing Commander Rob Shearer looks through binoculars on the flight deck of a Royal New Zealand Air Force P-3K2 Orion aircraft during a search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 over the southern Indian Ocean, March 29, 2014. (Reuters)

WantChinaTimes, Taiwan reported:

The United States has taken advantage of the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight to test the capabilities of China’s satellites and judge the threat of Chinese missiles against its aircraft carriers, reports our sister paper Want Daily.

“Erich Shih, chief reporter at Chinese-language military news monthly Defense International, said the US has more and better satellites but has not taken part in the search for flight MH370, which disappeared about an hour into its flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing in the early hours of March 8 with 239 people on board. Shih claimed that the US held back because it wanted to see what information China’s satellites would provide.”

The above is the reality which we have to confront. Therefore, desist any attempt to label the above mainstream media articles as a “conspiracy theory”. Reuters has let the Genie out of the bottle!

Malaysia’s Minister of Transport Datuk Seri Hishammuddin gave hints of Malaysia’s difficulties (as his hands were tied by intelligence protocols and or refusal by the relevant foreign intelligence services and diplomatic reluctance) but our local media failed to appreciate the nuances of his statements by not directing their questions at those parties that have failed Malaysia as their neighbour and in their duties under various defence treaties and arrangements.

Malaysian media, please read at the minimum three times, the sentences in bold AND WAKE UP TO THE REALITY that our country has been badly treated even though our country put all its national security cards on the table so that countries whose nationals are passengers on flight MH 370 could come forward with sincerity to assist in resolving this unfortunate tragedy which is not Malaysia’s making.

Malaysia is but a victim of this tragedy whose plane, MH 370 was used for a hidden agenda for which only time will reveal.

In my previous article posted to the website on the 27th March, 2014, I exposed how Israel is exploiting the tragedy to create public opinion for a war against Iran, a Muslim country that has close ties with Malaysia.

At the outset of the SAR Mission, all concerned stated categorically that every scenario, no matter how unlikely would be examined critically with no stones left unturned – terrorist hijacking, suicide mission, technical failures, inadequate security, criminal actions of the pilot and or co-pilot etc.

Given the above premise, families of the passengers and the crew of MH 370 have every right to ask the following questions of the US and other countries that have sophisticated technologies to track and monitor airplanes and ships in all circumstances.


Malaysia's acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein (L) speaks about the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 during a news conference at The Everly Hotel in Putrajaya March 29, 2014. (Reuters)

Malaysia’s acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein (L) speaks about the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 during a news conference at The Everly Hotel in Putrajaya March 29, 2014. (Reuters)


Such questions should not be shot down by those who have a hidden agenda that such queries amount to “conspiracy theories”. Far from being conspiracy theories, we assert that the questions tabled below and the rationale for asking them are well founded and must be addressed by the relevant parties, failing which an inference ought to be drawn that they are complicit in the disappearance of MH 370.

Lets us begin.

1) Was the plane ordered to turn back, if so who gave the order?

2) Was the plane turned back manually or by remote control?

3) If the latter, which country or countries have the technologies to execute such an operation?

4) Was MH 370 weaponised before its flight to Beijing?

5) If so, what are the likely methods for such a mission – Biological weapons, dirty bombs?

6) Was Beijing / China the target and if so why?

7) Qui Bono?

8) The time sequence of countries identifying the alleged MH 370 debris in the Indian ocean was first made by Australia followed by France, Thailand, Japan, and Britain via Immarsat. Why did US not offer any satellite intelligence till today?

9) Prior to the switch of focus to the Indian ocean, was the SAR mission in the South China seas, used as a cover for the deployment of undersea equipment to track and monitor naval capabilities of all the nations’ navies competing for ownership of disputed territorial waters? Reuters as quoted above seems to have suggested such an outcome.

10) Why was there been no focus, especially by foreign mass media, on the intelligence and surveillance capabilities of Diego Garcia, the strategic naval and air base of the US?

11) Why no questions were asked whether the flight path of MH 370 (if as alleged it crashed in the Indian Ocean), was within the geographical parameters of the Intelligence capabilities of Diego Garcia? Why were no planes deployed from Diego Garcia to intercept the “Unidentified” plane which obviously would pose a threat to the Diego Gracia military base?

12) The outdated capabilities of the Hexagon satellite system deployed by the US in the 1970s has a ground resolution of 0.6 meters; what’s more, the present and latest technologies boast the ability to identify objects much smaller in size. Why have such satellites not provided any images of the alleged debris in the Indian Ocean? Were they deliberately withheld?


A family member of a passenger onboard the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 shouts slogans during a protest outside Lido Hotel in Beijing March 29, 2014. (Reuters)

A family member of a passenger onboard the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 shouts slogans during a protest outside Lido Hotel in Beijing March 29, 2014. (Reuters)


13) On April 6th, 2012, the US launched a mission dubbed “NROL-25” (consisting of a spy satellite) from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The NROL-25 satellite was likely rigged with “synthetic aperture radar” a system capable of observing targets around the globe in daylight and darkness, able to penetrate clouds and identify underground structures such as military bunkers. Though the true capabilities of the satellites are not publicly known due to their top-secret classification, some analysts have claimed that the technology allows the authorities to zoom in on items as small as a human fist from hundreds of miles away. How is it that no imagery of MH370 debris was forwarded to Malaysia, as this capability is not classified though other technologies might well remain classified? (Source:

14) Could it be that the above capabilities were not as touted?

15) However, in December, 2013, the USAtlas V rocket was launched carrying the spy satellite NROL-39 for the National Reconnaissance Office, an intelligence agency which is often overshadowed by the notorious National Security Agency (NSA), only it scoops data via spy satellites in outer space. The “NROL-39 emblem” is represented by the Octopus a versatile, adaptive, and highly intelligent creature. Emblematically, enemies of the United States can be reached no matter where they choose to hide. The emblem boldly states “Nothing is beyond our reach”.This virtually means that the tentacles of America’s World Octopus are spreading across the globe to coil around everything within their grasp, which is, well, everything (Source: Voice of Moscow). Yet, the US with such capabilities remained silent. Why?

It cannot be said that it is not within the realm of probabilities that the US may not want the plane MH 370 to be recovered if rogue intelligence operators were responsible for the disappearance of MH 370.

If the above questions have been posed to the US and other intelligence agencies and answers are not forthcoming, I take the view that the Malaysian government ought to declare publicly that our national sovereignty and security have been jeopardized by the disappearance of MH 370 and that the relevant intelligence agencies have been tacitly complicit in the disappearance of MH370.

By coming out openly to explain the predicament faced by our country, Malaysia may prevent a hostile act against a third country.

I therefore call upon Malaysian mass media to be courageous and initiate such queries as only the US and other intelligence agencies can give definitive answers to the above 15 questions.

It is futile to demand answers from Malaysia as we are not in any position to supply the information as we do not have the capabilities of the global and regional military powers.

Malaysians must unite behind the government so that our leaders need not feel that they are alone shouldering this enormous burden.

Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean? (Part 3)

flight 370

Why am I following this crazy conspiracy theory? Well, quite frankly because it makes a lot more sense than some of the reports coming out of more traditional places. As of today, no one has the slightest clue as to what happened to the flight. Further, this theory is just as good (if not better) than widely circulated traditional media reports. Even though Australians claim to have found “something”, that something may or may not be there and it may or may not have anything to do with Flight 370. Questions remain. 

Apparently, these reports are coming out of Russian Intelligence (who tend to know their stuff). To summarize, Malaysia Airline Flight 370 was intercepted by the US Navy right before it entered Chinese airspace and flown remotely to Diego Garcia US Naval Base in the Indian Ocean. It has been circulated before that the US Military has the technology to intercept and remotely control (like a drones) most of Boeing planes (Boeing is one of the largest US Defense Contractors). 

According to Russian intelligence the plane was intercepted due to it’s cargo hold. While no one knows what was on the plane (no cargo manifest has been released) a number of scientist and disease specialists were flown to Diego Garcia base for further consultations. Later, contents of Flight 370 cargo were destroyed in a fiery explosion. 

Fact or fiction? Read and decide for yourself. I have no idea….I just find the whole case fascinating.  Either way, we will never know. If the report is true, the US Government will be forced to crash the plane into the Indian Ocean to be “promptly found” at a later date to cover up the evidence. That might have already occurred. Either way, my condolences go out to the families. 


Malaysia Airlines “Suspicious Cargo” Destroyed In Massive New Mexico Explosion

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

The GRU had previously, on 14 March, reported their “puzzlement” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” this Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to the Diego Garcia atoll, an assessment that has subsequently been verified by radar tracks showing the mysterious US military flights moving about this aircraft immediately prior to its “disappearance.” (See video below) The Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) is reporting today that the “highly suspicious” cargo retrieved by the US from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that had been “disappeared” to one of the United States most secretive bases in the Indian Ocean, Diego Garcia, was flown this past week to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was then destroyed in a “massive fireball.”

Flight 370, it is important to note, was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Oceannation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama was that within 24-hours of its off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under“suspicious circumstances.”

After this “highly suspicious” cargo was off loaded from MV Maersk Alabama, on 17 February, the GRU reported it was then transferred to Seychelles International Airport where it was loaded on an Emirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai, where it was subsequently loaded onto Flight 370 on 8 March for its scheduled flight to Beijing.

The GRU further reported, on 16 March, that after Flight 370’s “diversion” it was “nearly immediately” followed by some of the top disease scientists and experts from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDCP) embarking to Diego Garcia on at least four flights.

On 18 March, this new GRU report says, this “highly suspicious” cargo was flown from Diego Garcia to the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico where it was destroyed in a 19 March explosion so massive it stunned the residents of this region due to the massive plume of smoke [photo 2nd left] Russian munitions experts speculate was caused by US military-grade Thermate (a variation of thermite) devices.

Important to note, this report says, is that the US appears to have been planning this operation involving Flight 370 since this “highly suspicious” cargo was first offloaded in the Republic of Seychelles on 17 February, as three days later, 20 February, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRAplaced an order for 1,200 sets of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) single use overgarments which are meant to protect the wearer from radiological contamination in the form of radiological particulates.

These PPE suits, which include hoods and boots, this report says, were delivered to the DTRA at their location on Kirtland Air Force Base, located in New Mexico, where they are tasked with protecting the United Statesagainst weapons of mass destruction.

Equally important to note, this report continues, is that the US Department of Health and Human Services, on 6 December, ordered 14 million 65 mg doses of Potassium Iodide, the standard treatment protocol for someone exposed to high levels of radiation, to be delivered to them by the end of January 2014.

As to the US-Chinese connection regarding the “highly suspicious” cargo aboard Flight 370 this report does not say, but does note that is of such concern that President Obama dispatched his wife to China as his“personal emissary” and stunned the American media by refusing to allow any reporters to accompany her.

As US forces begin flooding into the European Union to counter Russian forces amassing on the Ukrainian border, this report concludes, the “mysterious” events surrounding Flight 370’s “highly suspicious” cargo cannot be separated from Obama’s sudden announcement today to cancel his planned Persian Gulf summit, especially in light of Saudi Arabia’s 11 March branding of the Obama regime as a “terrorist organization” and this cargos having transversed this most volatile Middle East region.

Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean? (Part II)

Let’s continue with our top notch conspiracy theory reported on yesterday. WHY? Well, quite frankly because the report below makes more sense than traditional media BS we are being fed. I mean….come on. The plane vanishes into thin air in a highly trafficked and militarized area full of radars and no one has any idea what happened to it? Give me a break. Mind you, that is in a day and age when NSA knows if I am typing this blog post on my desktop or on my smart phone while sitting on a toilet. Plus, this type of thinking and questioning expands your mind and challenges traditional way of looking at things. Which should be done anyways. 

On a more serious note, as per last known location, the plane traveled directly towards Diego Garcia US Naval Base in the Indian Ocean. Yet, not a single news agency even mentioned that. The same Naval Base that has an air strip long enough to land a space shuttle and radar capability strong enough to cover most of the Indian Ocean. And they couldn’t see flight 370? Yeah, right. Was there something going to China that the US Government wanted to intercept? A disease? One thing is for sure, it’s a fascinating story. Read the report below and decide for yourself.   



Learn More About Diego Garcia Base Here

A grim report prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is stating today that within 24-hours of this aircrafts “diversion” to the highly secretive Indian Ocean US military base located on the Diego Garcia atoll, no less than four flights, within the past week, containing top American and Chinese disease scientists and experts have, likewise, been flown to there.

According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.

As we had previously noted in our report “Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy,” the GRU had previously notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of its suspicions regarding this flight due its containing a “highly suspicious” cargo that had been offloaded in the Republic of Seychelles from the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

First arousing the GRU’s concerns regarding this “highly suspicious” cargo, this report continues, was that after its unloading from the MV Maersk Alabama on 17 February, its then transfer to Seychelles International Airport where it was loaded on an Emirates flight bound for Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, after first stopping over in Dubai, the two highly trained US Navy SEALS who were guarding it were found dead.

The two US Navy SEALS protecting this “highly suspicious” cargo, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances” aboard the MV Maersk Alabama, this report says, further raising Russian intelligence suspicions as they were both employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.

Upon Flight 370’s departure from Malaysia on 8 March, this report continues, the GRU was notified by the MSS that they were going to divert it from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island).

Prior to this planes entering into People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, however, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.

In a confirmation of the GRU’s assertion that Flight 370 was, indeed, flown to Diego Garcia, this report says, satellite transmission data analyzed by US investigators showed that this planes most likely last-known position was in a zone about 1,609 kilometers (1,000 miles) west of Perth, Australia in the Indian Ocean..

Most troubling to the GRU about Flight 370’s “diversion” to Diego Garcia, this report says, was that it was “nearly immediately” followed by some of the top disease scientists and experts from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDCP) embarking to Diego Garcia on at least four flights.

As to why both American and Chinese disease experts were taken to Diego Garcia where Flight 370 is now known to be, this report says, has as yet not been answered by either of these governments after repeated Foreign Ministry requests for “explanations and clarification.”

What is to be known, this report says, is that as Malaysia has been forced to admit Flight 370 was, indeed, “diverted” from its flight path as the GRU had previously reported, and as at least 25 nations are now involved in searching for it, it remains a mystery as to what is actually occurring.

Also known, this report concludes, is that Diego Garcia as a designated ETOPS emergency landing site for flight planning purposes of commercial airliners transversing the Indian Ocean, and as one of 33 emergency landing sites worldwide for the NASA Space Shuttle, it is “inconceivable” that any type of aircraft, let alone Flight 370, can fly anywhere in the Southern Hemisphere without being tracked, monitored and recorded in totality. 

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Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean?

World would be a boring place without a good “conspiracy theory” here and there. The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is without precedent. How does a plane vanishes into thin air in today’s environment and under proposed circumstances? That’s impossible. When I first saw the report below, shortly after plane’s disappearances, I dismissed it as a bunch of “crazy crap”. However, with recent media coverage, plane’s supposed arc of travel and numerous other facts pointing in this direction (ex: jet flying under 5,000 ft), it tend to give this possibility a lot of credence. One thing is for sure, it’s a fascinating story.  I will let you read the report and decide for yourself. 


malaysia airlines flight 370

“A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRU) states that Aerospace Defence Forces (VKO) experts remain “puzzled” as to why the United States Navy “captured and then diverted” a Malaysia Airlines civilian aircraft from its intended flight-path to their vast and highly-secretive Indian Ocean base located on the Diego Garcia atoll.

According to this report, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (also marketed as China Southern Airlines flight 748 through a codeshare) was a scheduled passenger flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to Beijing, China, when on 8 March this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft “disappeared” in flight with 227 passengers on board from 15 countries, most of whom were Chinese, and 12 crew members.

Interesting to note, this report says, was that Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama.

What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.”

Both Kennedy and Reynolds, this report says, were employed by the Virginia Beach, Virginia-based maritime security firm The Trident Group which was founded by US Navy Special Operations Personnel (SEAL’s) and Senior US Naval Surface Warfare Officers and has long been known by the GRU to protect vital transfers of both atomic and biological materials throughout the world.

Upon GRU “assests” confirming that this “highly suspicious” cargo was aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on 8 March, this report notes, Moscow notified China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) of their concerns and received “assurances” that “all measures” would be taken as to ascertain what was being kept so hidden when this aircraft entered into their airspace.

However, this report says, and as yet for still unknown reasons, the MSS was preparing to divert Flight 370 from its scheduled destination of Beijing to Haikou Meilan International Airport (HAK) located in Hainan Province (aka Hainan Island).

Prior to entering the People Liberation Army (PLA) protected zones of the South China Sea known as the Spratly Islands, this report continues, Flight 370 “significantly deviated” from its flight course and was tracked by VKO satellites and radar flying into the Indian Ocean region and completing its nearly 3,447 kilometer (2,142 miles) flight to Diego Garcia.

Critical to note about Flight 370’s flight deviation, GRU experts in this report say, was that it occurred during the same time period that all of the Spratly Island mobile phone communications operated by China Mobile were being jammed.

China Mobile, it should be noted, extended phone coverage in the Spratly Islands in 2011 so that PLA soldiers stationed on the islands, fishermen, and merchant vessels within the area would be able to use mobile services, and can also provide assistance during storms and sea rescues.

As to how the US Navy was able to divert Flight 370 to its Diego Garcia base, this report says, appears to have been accomplished remotely as this Boeing 777-200ER aircraft is equipped with a fly-by-wire (FBW) system that replaces the conventional manual flight controls of an aircraft with an electronic interface allowing it to be controlled like any drone-type aircraft.

However, this report notes, though this aircraft can be controlled remotely, the same cannot be said of its communication systems which can only be shut down manually; and in the case of Flight 370, its data reporting system was shut down at 1:07 a.m., followed by its transponder (which transmits location and altitude) which was shut down at 1:21 a.m.

What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes.

Did The US Navy Land Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 At It’s Diego Garcia Base In The Indian Ocean?

Did Aliens Hijack Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?

As ridiculous as this sounds, this might as well be the case. A fascinating and unprecedented case worth following. How can a plane vanish into thin air and without a trace? With over 80 planes and ships searching the area and with most of the developed nations searching with satellites, not a single piece of evidence have been found. Let’s look at some of the theories out there. 

  • The Plane Turned Around, Turned Off It’s Transponder and flew towards the Indian Ocean – this doesn’t make any sense. Plus, China Mobile is saying that some of the cell phones on board still ring, no one answers and they can’t trace them. I am not sure how that’s possible. 
  • Catastrophic Mechanical Failure and Midair Disintegration…..OK, but where is the debris?   
  • Terrorism: Did the two individuals traveling with counterfeit passports blow up the plane?  With mysterious Mr. Ali buying both plane tickets with cash in Thailand, there are more questions than answers. Than again, where is the debris?  
  • Hijacking: In the day and age where NSA tracks every click you make, how is it possible to steal or hijack a Boeing 777 without a trace? Did Kim Jong Un need a private plane? 
  • Aliens: Might as well be at this point in time.  It won’t be long before these theories show up. 

Too many questions and not enough answers. No one knows. The plane simply vanished. While a fascinating case, our prayers go out to the families and to the loved ones of the people on board. 

malaysia airlines flight 370

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Did Aliens Hijack Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? Google

(CNN) — With lead after lead failing to pan out, search and rescue officials said Monday they will expand the search area for the Malaysia Airlines aircraft that vanished three days ago.

The newly expanded search area encompasses a larger portion of the Gulf of Thailand between Malaysia and Vietnam, said Azharuddin Abdul Rahman, director general of the Malaysian Civil Aviation Department.

Nearly three dozen aircraft and 40 ships from 10 countries have so far failed to find any sign of the aircraft.

Other leads — reports that a plane door and its tail had been spotted — turned out to be untrue, he said at an earlier briefing.

“Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, we have not found anything that appear to be objects from the aircraft, let alone the aircraft,” Rahman said at the earlier briefing.

Authorities are sending ships to investigate a report of debris found south of Hong Kong, but it will likely be Tuesday before authorities know if there is anything to those reports, Rahman said.

No emergency signal has been detected by any search vessel or aircraft. And family members of passengers are being told to prepare for the worst.

So the mysteries surrounding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 — and the true identities of some of its passengers — remain unsolved.

“For the aircraft to go missing just like that … as far as we are concerned, we are equally puzzled as well,” Rahman said.

“We have to find the aircraft.”

So far, nothing

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur shortly before 1 a.m. Saturday (1 p.m. Friday ET). The Boeing 777-200ER, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew members, went missing while flying to Beijing.

Since then, teams of searchers from Vietnam, China, Singapore, Indonesia, the United States, Thailand, Australia, the Philippines and New Zealand have been working alongside Malaysians to scour the Gulf of Thailand, part of the South China Sea that lies between several Southeast Asian countries.

The focus has now shifted to the Andaman Sea, near Thailand’s border, after radar data indicated the plane may have turned around to head back to Kuala Lumpur.

But the pilot apparently gave no signal to authorities that he was turning around.

From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., planes flew over the vast waters. Ships searched through the night

It is perplexing enough that a jetliner seemed to have vanished without a trace. Adding to the mystery is the news that at least two people on board were traveling on passports stolen from an Austrian and an Italian.

Malaysian officials have shared with the U.S. government the images and biometrics of the men believed to have used stolen passports to board the flight, a U.S. intelligence official told CNN’s Jim Sciutto. The official didn’t specify what data were shared. Biometrics can include things like fingerprints.

“They will compare that to what we have in our terrorist databases. These are lists of people on no-fly lists, people with possible terrorist connections, people we have reasons to be suspicious of,” U.S. Rep. Peter King told CNN’s “The Lead.” “We have these listings, and those names and those biometrics will be compared to those.”

According to Thai police officials, an Iranian man by the name of Kazem Ali purchased the tickets for two friends who he said wanted to return home to Europe. While Ali made the initial booking by telephone, either Ali or someone acting on his behalf paid for the tickets in cash, according to police.

Rahman said Monday that authorities have reviewed security footage from the airport and said the men who traveled on the stolen passports “are not Asian-looking men.”

Interpol tweeted Sunday it was examining additional “suspect #passports.”

“Whilst it is too soon to speculate about any connection between these stolen passports and the missing plane, it is clearly of great concern that any passenger was able to board an international flight using a stolen passport listed in INTERPOL’s databases,” said Interpol Secretary General Ronald K. Noble in a statement.

The passports were reportedly stolen in Thailand, and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told CNN’s “Amanpour” on Monday that police are investigating.

“Initially we don’t know about their nationality yet,” she said. “But we gave orders for the police to investigate the passport users. Because this is very important to Thailand, to give full cooperation to Interpol in the investigation about the passport users. We are now following this.”

Terrorism concern

The passport mystery raised concerns about the possibility of terrorism, but officials cautioned that it was still too early to arrive at any conclusions.

One possible explanation for the use of the stolen passports is illegal immigration.

There are previous cases of illegal immigrants using fake passports to try to enter Western countries. And Southeast Asia is known to be a booming market for stolen passports.

Five passengers ended up not boarding the aircraft. Their bags were removed and were not on board the jet when it disappeared, Rahman said at Monday’s briefing.

Could the plane have been hijacked? “We are looking at every angle, every aspect,” Rahman said.

“We are looking at every inch of the sea.”

There has been some speculation that the flight might have been a test run for a terrorist organization planning a later attack.

The incident has some similarities to such incidents in the past, such as the 1994 bombing of a Philippine jetliner that investigators later learned was a test run for a wider plot to bomb numerous airliners, former U.S. Department of transportation Inspector General Mary Schiavo told CNN on Monday.

But John Magaw, a former Transportation Security Administration official and U.S. Secret Service director, said his best guess is the Malaysia Alrlines flight was not a test.

“They’ve already done the dry run,” he said. “This was the actual flight.”

Agonizing wait

For the relatives of the 227 passengers and 12 crew members, the wait has been agonizing.

Among the passengers, 154 people were from China or Taiwan. The plane was also carrying 38 Malaysians, five Indians and three Americans citizens. Five of the passengers were younger than 5 years old.

In Beijing, family members gathered in a conference room at a hotel complex.

More than 100 people signed a hand-written petition that demanded “truth” from the airline. They also urged the Chinese government to help them deal with Malaysian authorities.

Malaysia Airlines, which was helping family members apply for expedited passports, said it will fly out five relatives of each passenger to Kuala Lumpur.

A fuller picture of what happened may not become available until searchers find the plane and its flight data recorder.

And so far, that hasn’t happened.