Investment Grin Of The Day

10 signs you think about your portfolio too much

  1. You gave your broker a gift on the fifth anniversary of the day you opened your brokerage account, but forgot to give your wife anything on your wedding anniversary.
  2. You tell your children they can’t go to college because you are convinced you can make another 15% on their education accounts when the market turns around.
  3. You go camping, a bear attacks you, and your insurance has run out. You have a choice between selling your Microsoft stock or paying for an operation to save your leg. You choose the stock.
  4. When asked to speak at your graduation, you recited line-for-line Gordon Gekko’s “Greed is Good” speech.
  5. You miss your business partner’s funeral because Cisco is releasing its earnings report… after all, if they were still alive, they would want you to carry on with business as usual.
  6. You make your sixteen year old daughter get a job at a little-known manufacturing company in the hopes she will hear something and give you valuable insider trading tips.
  7. After a company has a disappointing quarter, you throw all of their products out of your house in anger and call your extended family, demanding they do the same.
  8. The Dow Jones drops 10% or more, you demand your family skip one meal a day so you can quickly raise cash to buy stock at the new, cheap levels.
  9. You wander the house on Saturday and Sunday because you have nothing to do. Every hour, on the hour, you loudly announce to the house the time remaining until the Japanese markets open.
  10. Your broker has issued a restraining order.