Killing Stress


Continuation from yesterday……..Simplicity Is The Only True Path

Simplicity is the only true path.

Follow the exercise below and make it a daily practice.


As before, find a quiet and preferably dark place where you will not be bothered over the next 30 minutes. Leave your cell phone and all other devices behind. Once again, it is crucial that no one interrupts you over that 30 minute period of time.

Step 1: Select a meditation posture.  You have two choices.

  1. Most commonly known as a Buddha posture. Sit down with your legs crossed and your spine straight. Interlock your fingers and let them rest on top of your crossed feet. Close your eyes. (Google “Buddha Posture” if you need a visual representation).

The posture above is an optimal position for maximum energy accumulation. When you sit in a Buddha posture a number of things happen. First, by interlocking your feet and fingers while closing your eyes you create a perfect energy circuit within your body. When the circuit is complete, no energy leakage is possible. Allowing your body/mind configuration to accumulate the maximum amount of energy possible.  Second, when you are sitting straight a higher dimensional door opens up on top of your head, allowing more universal consciousness energy to flow in with ease.

  1. If the position above is uncomfortable, your next best bet is to lie down on your back with your fingers interlocked and your heels touching. Eyes closed. If fact, this could be called a “Casket Posture”.  Yet, keep one thing in mind. As you continue with your daily practice it is advised that you slowly transition to a Buddha Posture in order to maximize the benefits of meditation.

Step 2: Clearly understand what your objective is.

If you recall, in our prior exercises the primary objectives were to observe our thoughts, feelings and emotions. In one form or another and as an outsider looking in. True meditation is a little bit different. The objective is not to observe, but to stop all of your mind functions (thoughts/feelings/emotions) while remaining completely aware.  The difference is minuscule and easy to miss, so pay very close attention.

True meditation is oftentimes called sleeping while being aware. In other words, all of your mind functionality must be stopped. Completely. And while that might sound easy enough, it is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Try and see for yourself.  If you are new to medication, chances are, you will be able to stop your mind for 15-45 seconds before realizing that your mind had already shifted into an active thought process and without you even becoming conscious of the fact.

You might be thinking about your ex and how they have done you wrong, what you will have for dinner, whether or not you have enough time to finish one of your projects and a million other things.  Point being, and this is incredibly important to understand, you mind will actively wrestle control back and shift your entire being into an active state of thinking.  That’s how cunning the mind is.

To Be Continued Tomorrow……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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Simplicity Is The Only True Path


Continuation from yesterday…....(How Meditation Really Works)

It is identical to a boiling water analogy. As the water heats up it stores energy. The instant it hits 100 C, water turns into vapor. Transforming itself from one state or dimension into another. Not at 99.9 C or 100.1 C. At exactly 100 C. Once your internal energy level reaches a certain point, your consciousness will make the jump.  And only meditation can help you with the entire process.

Yet, the quantum jump above does not come with ease.  Mystics, spiritual leaders and some religious folks dedicate their entire lifetimes to the pursuit of this higher state of human consciousness.  It took Buddha 12 years of full time effort, struggle and many near death experiences to get there. Jesus had disappeared for 18 years before reappearing as an enlightened man.   Now, we won’t go any further down the rabbit hole in this book, but you are need to be aware of the following.  While the process itself is not that difficult, it is easy to miss the final destination due to a number pitfalls along the way. Pitfalls that your mind, environment and ego will generate out of thin air.

Do you need proof?

Again, this cannot be learned or proven. The phenomenon above is not a mathematical equation. Just as any feeling or emotion, it can only be experienced.  And the only way to experience it is to start meditating.

When it comes to STRESS, meditation becomes the only solution.  It is only through meditation that you will be able to erase all STRESS and STRESS associated energies out of your life. Completely and forever. If you are to make meditation your daily practice, no other outcome becomes possible.  Guaranteed.

What should my next step be?

Here is what you need to do next.

  1. Make meditation your daily practice. Make a commitment and do not skip it.
  2. Allocate at least 30 minutes per day to your daily meditation practice. Typically, the formula states that the older you are the more you should meditate. Where one year of life equals to one minute of meditation. For example, according to some practices a 45 year old person should meditate for 45 minutes a day and a 65 year old should meditate for 65. If you are new to the entire experience, your 30 minute daily practice should be a good enough start.

How do I meditate?

Whether or not you are familiar with meditation, it would be best if you immediately dismiss all of your preconceived notions and concepts associated with meditation. Particularly, if you live in the West. In Western cultures all spiritual practices become circuses of sorts, they become big businesses. Where the latest and the greatest meditation music or posture or technique is the only way to go. All of that is absolute nonsense. It is all garbage that should be thrown out where it belongs. At the heap of cow manures.

Do you think Buddha ever joined a group meditation session?  Do you believe Jesus listened to tapes of high frequency meditation music? Can you imagine Chuang Tzu reading the bestselling book about the new techniques of sleepwalking mediation? Absurd. Garbage. All of it.

Simplicity is the only true path.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…...(Why Am I Seeing This On  A Financial Website?)


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