Energy Transformation

business meditation

Continuation from yesterday……..(Killing Stress).

She would understand that she is projecting a future that might or might not come to fruition. Creating a series of unnecessary worries in the process.  Once Mary is in this meditative state of mind she should proceed in the following fashion.

  • Entirely eliminate all job related worries through separation: This would allow her to fully dissociate herself from all incoming 911 calls and therefore remove all STRESS associated with dealing with such negative emotions in a high pressure environment. In essence, all incoming calls would become a game as opposed to a personal attachment.
  • Take back control: Through meditation she will realize that her boss has zero control over her emotional state. Further, she will understand that she can and will take her power back by either resolving the situation with higher ups or by looking for a new job.
  • Eradicate all future projections: She will understand that all of her worries and future projections are not real. As such, they have no influence whatsoever on her thought patterns, feelings and emotions.
  • Understanding Energy Flows: Once Mary is in a meditative state of mind she will be able to witness her energy flows and how they work. She will be able to trace all of her STRESS energies to their origin and to understand what had triggered them in the first place.

Finally, as she enters this state of higher consciousness and completes the steps above she will gain a simple understanding that her STRESS energy is simply energy. Giving her the ability to now mold it into whatever it is that she wants.

Energy Transformation:

Once Mary has this realization or understanding she will have the ability to take her STRESS energies in their totality and transform them into something positive.


While understanding your energy flows and trigger points is the first step, flipping an internal switch is the other side of the coin. All you have to do is make a conscious decision, while in the state of meditation, to transform your STRESS related energies into positive energies. That’s it. Make an internal declaration while in the state of higher consciousness and then redirect the energy in question towards a positive avenue.

For instance, while Mary is in this meditative state of observation she can take her “Terrible Boss” energy bundle and transform it towards a positive aspect of looking for and getting a new job with higher pay. So, her thoughts would shift from “My boss is the worst kind of a human being, he controls my life, if he fires me my life will be over, I am worthless, etc…” to the following  “I can’t wait for a career change or my new job, it will be an amazing work environment, much better than it is today, my new boss will appreciate everything I do, plus I will be making a lot more money and will finally be able to afford a new car, etc…”.  Basically, this switch would allow her energy to flow in a positive direction. Transforming all STRESS associated energies in the process.

In short, this little trick would allow Mary to transform her life from living hell to life filled with excitement and opportunities.  In a similar fashion, she would have the ability to convert the rest of the garbage. For example, she will be able to transform….

  • Hate to love.
  • Her stressful job to a playful career.
  • Helplessness to power.
  • Worry to excitement.
  • Fear to courage.
  • Stress to pleasure.

And so on and so forth. You get the idea. However, one important thing to keep in mind is the fact that this cannot be achieved in a single sitting or in a single meditative session. It is a process. It takes time and effort on your part. Yet, once you learn how to identify, observe, control and transform your internal energies, your life will change in an unimaginable way. In a vastly positive fashion.

To Be Continued On Monday ……..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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Killing Stress

killing stress

Continuation from last week…….

This is a perfect illustration of transforming negative energies that you might have within yourself into something positive.  Unfortunately, since most people move though their days in an unconscious fashion, for most this ability remains dormant. It has to be developed in order to become full available.

For instance, let’s for a second assume that Mary, a single mother of two, has a fairly stressful job as a 911 operator in Los Angeles.  By definition her job is full of STRESS. She deals with constant emergencies, violence, deaths, and people at their worst.  On top of that her boss is about as bad as it gets, making her life at work an absolute nightmare.  Sadly, Mary’s problems don’t end there.  She can barely make ends meet every month and her two boys are trouble makers at school. In fact, not a week goes by where she doesn’t skip a meal or get a call from the schools principal. In other words, Mary’s life is a definition of STRESS.

Just last night Mary’s boss went off on her again and threatened her job. Mary is so stressed and fearful of possibly losing her job that she can barely sleep at night. That’s all she thinks about.  What will she do if she losses her job, how will she be able to afford the rent, how will she pay her bills and be able to afford groceries at the same time, will she have to move back to Maine to live with her elderly parents, etc… What’s more, the thoughts above created a number of downward spirals in Mary, leading her to believe that she is an absolute failure.

Internally, Mary’s own thoughts, feelings and emotions grabbed a hold of her internal energy reservoir and converted ALL of it potentiality into pure STRESS. Mary’s entire being now vibrates at STRESS frequency, Mary is STRESS. Her life is a living hell.  Sadly, that is exactly how most people live life to one degree or another. People are unaware of their internal interworking as they spend most of their lives asleep at the switch. A walking, talking, eating and procreating Zombie with a massive ego would be a more appropriate description of how most people go though their entire lives.

Yet, all Mary need to do in order to rectify her situation is to become self aware. As soon as she does and as was suggested earlier in the book, she will gain the ability not only to control her energies, but to transform them into something positive.

As Mary’s STRESS energies reach their pinnacle she should shift into the state of medication and self awareness.  It would extremely helpful if Mary performs Exercise #1 right away and begins to observe her own thoughts, feelings, emotions and energies as an outsider looking in. By doing so she will gain the ability to understand where her STRESS and misery are coming from. Further, by dissociation from such energies she will be able to A. Control them and B. Transform them into something positive.


As Mary becomes a third point of reference (outsider looking in) she will be able to understand and control her internal energies. For example, she will understand that the STRESS she is dealing with is not real. It is fragment of her imagination and future projections. A fragment that her mind took and then spiraled it into an absolute hell though a series of thoughts, feelings and emotions that have no roots in the real word.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…..(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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Running Angry

angry running

Continuation from Monday…..(What Would Buddha Do?)

Transforming STRESS Into Positive Energies

Once you know how, transforming your internal energies from one form into another becomes a whole lot of fun. Just as if you were choosing from dozens of ice cream flavors, you have a hidden ability of taking any flavor of your internal energy and then transforming it into whatever it is that you wish. For instance, you can take sudden bursts of anger energy and then instantaneously transform into laughter or you can take jealousy and transform it into love or you can take stress and transform it into compassion. You can even take any of the energies within, supercharge them and then release them to the outside world if it serves a purpose.

Perhaps my running activity would be a perfect illustration of what I mean.  In short, I really enjoy running when I am incredibly angry. If for no other purpose than getting a better work out and making the entire process a little bit more fun.  Yet, as was mentioned in the previous section it is next to impossible to make me upset, let alone angry. Someone would have to go out of their way and dedicate real time and resources to bring any sort of anger out of me.  As such, artificial anger generation becomes the only option.

Typically, to get my anger energy flowing I concentrate on recent political issues that I might disagree with and past events where people have done me wrong. I then begin two oscillate between both issues while consciously imagining how idiotic the people in question are, what should be done and what my payback will be. With a few tricks I can then escalate this energy into a furious firestorm of anger within my belly.  All within the first five minutes of starting my run.

And the point?

Once my anger energy is at a boiling point I consciously flip an internal switch and transform this anger energy into a literal jet fuel that supercharges my running output. So much so that I typically shave off a minute off of my regular mile pace of 8 minutes. With pure anger fueling my short legs I usually have no problem holding 7 minute a mile pace for well over an hour. Only to drop near exhaustion after my anger jet fuel literally runs out.

And while we already talked about this in the previous section, it is worth repeating what happens behind the scenes.  Simply put, as I start my daily runs I consciously access my unified energy reservoir and its daily allocation.  I then knowingly introduce anger into this unified energy field and though the process describe above start to spiral it into a concentrated field of pure anger energy.

To the point where all of the energies within me become ANGER. Once this heightened state of anger is achieved I then deliberately transform it into the jet fuel energy used in my daily runs.  So much so that this little trick gives me the ability to function at peak performance levels throughout the entire ordeal.

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What Would Buddha Do?

living in the now

Continuation from Friday……(Killing Stress)

The following quick story about Buddha should drive the point home.

One of Buddha’s disciples (I don’t recall the name, but let’s call him Bob) proceeded to ask Buddha.

Bob:  “Master, can I go and preach your message in the city near my birthplace? I believe I am ready. People there have never heard of such a beautiful message before. I shall deliver it to them. “

Buddha:  “This is not a good idea. It is a very dangerous place.  People there are very angry and violent.  You will disturb them with my message. You might even get hurt. They might even kill you. “

Bob: “Master, believe me, I am ready.”

Buddha:  “If you are ready, answer the following three questions. First, what will you do if they hate your message?  What will you do if they insult you, spit in your face and threaten you?

Bob: “I will thank them for being such wonderful people. All they are doing is insulting me. They could have beaten me, they could have murdered me. Their kindness knows no end.”

Buddha: “And what will you do if they start beating you? If they start hitting you with sticks and stones, what will you do?”

Bob: “I will thank them for being such wonderful people. All they are doing is beating me. They could have easily murdered me on the street like a dog.  Their kindheartedness knows no bounds”.

Buddha: “And if they are murdering you, as you are dying, what will you think and what will you say?”

Bob: “Master, I will rejoice, thanking them for releasing my spirit from my physical form. In this physical form, many errors are possible.  Now, thanks to their compassion I will be able to move at the higher level.”

Buddha: “Go, you are ready now.”

Think about it for a second. If that is your true state of being, STRESS, FEAR, ANGER, etc…..simply vanish from your state of consciousness. They become physically impossible.  And that is available only though meditation.

Walking Meditation:

Walking meditation is a subset of simple meditation described above.  It a much more involved and much more difficult phenomena. It is definitely advised that you become proficient in simple meditation first before switching gears and adding walking meditation to your tool set.

Essentially, in walking meditation you are responsible for transferring your higher state of consciousness attained in your regular meditation sessions to all of your daily activities. In other words, one must be fully aware, awake and conscious (the state of NOW) all throughout the day. While brushing your teeth, while eating, while talking to people, while reading, etc…… If you thought meditation was difficult, walking meditation takes it to a whole new level. Yet, the rewards are just as great, if not greater.  Plus, if you are able to maintain this state of higher consciousness throughout the day, your eventual enlightenment and/or dissociation from STRESS will come much faster.

In conclusion, this section of the book spent a considerable amount of time discussing all of the tools and exercises available for STRESS reduction or its outright elimination. We started the process with a simple set of rules and living in the NOW.  We then made our way towards separation, control and meditation. Ultimately, we made mediation our number one tool for completely eliminating STRESS out of our lives. In the next chapter we will take in depth look at how to transform STRESS and STRESS associated energies into positive forces and do so at the snap of our fingers.

To Be Continued Tomorrow…….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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Killing Stress

business meditation

Continuation from yesterday…..(Why Your Own Mind Is Your Worst Enemy)

Perhaps my own life offers a perfect illustration of what is possible through meditation.

Since about the age of 10 I have been driven. First in sports, then in school and finally in my business pursuits.  While it might sound admirable, this mindset came with one significant drawback. Massive amounts of STRESS were introduced into my life from an early age. At first, my attention was entirely on making the Olympics in swimming.  And while I was fairly good, I never approached a level where I needed to be.  As months and years flew by and my competitive times failed to improve, no matter how hard I worked, I found only failure, disappointment and STRESS in my pursuit of excellence.

And as soon as I hung up my Speedos, this pursuit was replaced by taking 20-25 units a semester to get out of school as fast as possible. Of course, this amount of course work inadvertently comes with massive amounts of STRESS built right into it. Yet, my mind was just getting warmed up.

Shortly after graduating from the University I started my own investment business at the age of 21. And as was suggested earlier in the book, outside of being in an active combat zone or perhaps beings an emergency room physician/nurse, active financial market participation is about as stress crammed of an environment as anyone can imagine.  That is why so many in the industry turn to drugs, alcohol or other questionable behaviors. They are just trying to cope with massive amounts of STRESS associated with the pursuit of making money in financial markets.

In other words, from about the age of 10 to 26 I continuously added more and more STRESS into my life. Culminating in a near suicide attempt described earlier in the book.  That was my bottom.

Today, those who knew back then would not even recognize me anymore. All STRESS and STRESS associated energies no longer exist in my state of consciousness.  In fact, I am so far along the path that most things, internal and external, no longer impact me.  All negative thoughts, feelings and emotions bounce off of me as they were rubber balls bouncing off the ground after a 10 story drop.  And that becomes quite handy when it comes to my primary profession of being a money manager. All thanks to meditation.

The following quick story about Buddha should drive the point home.

One of Buddha’s disciples (I don’t recall the name, but let’s call him Bob) asked Buddha.

Bob:  “Master, can I go and preach your message in the “New World”. I believe I am ready. People there have never heard of such a beautiful message before. I will deliver it to them. “

Buddha:  “This is not a good idea. It is a very dangerous place.  People there are very angry and violent.  You will disturb them with my message. You might even get hurt. They might even kill you. “

Bob: “Master, believe me, I am ready.”

Buddha:  “If you are ready, answer the following three questions. First, what will you do if they hate your message?  What will you do if they insult you, spit in your face and threaten you?

Bob: “I will thank them for being such wonderful people. All they are doing is insulting me. They could have beaten me, they could have murdered me. Their kindness knows no end.”

To Be Continued on Monday…...(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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Why Your Own Mind Is Your Worst Enemy

no mind

Continuation from yesterday…..(Killing Stress)

In fact, sometimes it takes years to regain complete control and to quiet the mind. In the meantime, expect the tag of war between your higher consciousness (the real you) and your mind to continue.  Yet, the rewards for those who are able to overcome this challenge will be substantial. Once your universal consciousness takes complete control of your mind and all of your thoughts, feelings and emotions a transformation occurs.  You become your own master where no outside factors can impact you in any fashion at all. You begin to exist in a state where all doors open up for you, a state where all things become a certainty.

If you are to take away anything from this step, clearly understand the following. The only true purpose of meditation is to stop your mind. Get it done, no matter what or how long it takes.

Step 3: Meditate

Close your eyes, stop your thoughts/feelings/emotions and remain aware.  Attempt to remain thoughtless for the duration of your meditation session. If thoughts reappear, and they most certainly will, stop them and then shifting back into the state of quiet meditation.

And that’s all there is to it.

Now, be aware of the fact that the practice above is incredibly difficult. As was suggested earlier, it will take you months if not years to regain complete control of your mind.  It is instrumental that you remain patient throughout the entire ordeal. It will be challenging and at times frustrating.  In fact, it might be one of the most difficult things you will do in your entire lifetime. But do not deviate from the path. You must remain with the practice until a complete victory over your mind is achieved.

Why…..what’s the point of all of this……what will the outcome be?

The rewards of meditation and your eventual victory over your mind are too numerous to describe in this short book. Again, the state being that can be achieved through meditation is the pinnacle of human existence. No higher peak is available. Period. In fact, all the wealth and material vanities of the world are nothing but a pile of dirt when compared to this higher dimension of human consciousness. And we are but to combine the three of the most famous Bible verses to get to the same meaning.

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pears, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

The “Kingdom of Heaven” that most spiritual and religious texts talk about is not some physical location, but rather, a higher state of consciousness that can only be achieved though meditations and subsequent destruction of your own mind.

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How Meditation Really Works

 holographic universe
Continuation From Friday…...(Meditation)
 What is the true purpose of meditation? 

The true purpose of meditation is to help you make a quantum jump in human consciousness. That is what enlightenment really means.  Most people believe that the next level of human evolution will come from longer life spans, bigger brains, stronger muscles, etc…. Yet, such vanities are a nothing but a scratch on the surface of what is available to you right now.  Unfortunately, the only way to reach this higher level of human consciousness is though meditation.

In short, when we meditate, we begin accumulate energy. And once enough energy is accumulated, a human being makes an automatic jump onto the next level of consciousness.  And if you are familiar with quantum physics, electrons act in exactly the same fashion. They don’t move between quantum states within an atom, they jump from one energy level to the next. Instantaneously.  That is the true purpose of meditation, to make that quantum jump to the next dimension of evolution.

Why has the practice of meditation survived for tens of thousands of years?

Once again, meditation is the only tool available that allows human beings to reach that higher state of consciousness.  To take it one step further, this higher state of consciousness or enlightenment is the highest possible potential available to all human beings.  Nothing can supersede it. As such, those who understand the phenomena, spend a considerable amount of their lives detached from the “Earthly Pleasures” only to concentrate most of their energies on attaining such a state.  A state of being that is possible only through meditation.

How does it really work?

While the process is intricate, it is fairly straight forward. As was suggested earlier in the book, the primary purpose behind meditation is to stop thoughts, feelings and emotions. To become an observer. When you stop your thoughts, a number of things happen behind of scenes on both physiological and spiritual levels.

When your mind comes to a complete stop, a point where no thoughts are being generated, a door of sorts opens up within you. When that happens energy begins to flow into your body/mind/consciousness configuration.  This is the same energy that your body gets when you sleep. Yet, the difference is quite significant.

When you sleep you receive the energy in question subconsciously and only enough of it to sustain you over the next 24-72 hours.  When you meditate you begin to accumulate this same energy consciously.  And the more you meditate the more energy you will accumulate over time as there is no 100% full limit on your internal battery. In fact, your battery remains forever infinite.

As you continue to meditate on the consistent basis, something interesting happens inside of you.  As you begin to accumulate more and more conscious energy, you will eventually store enough of it to have the ability to make that quantum jump to the next level of consciousness. Just like an electron would jump from one level to the next.  In fact, this process will transform your entire being in a matter of a split second.  It is identical to a boiling water analogy. As water heats up it stores energy. The instant it hits 100 C, water turns into vapor. Transforming itself from one dimension into another. Not at 99.9 C or 100.1 C. At exactly 100 C. Once your internal energy level reaches a certain point, your consciousness will make that jump.  And only meditation can help you with the entire process.

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baseballContinuation from yesterday…..(What Falling In Love With Stress Really Means)

Thus far we have covered traditional tools and exercises that have the ability to minimize your daily STRESS levels.  And while you will see a significant improvement in your life, the tools above will never free you completely.   They are best viewed in the light of being a medicine as opposed to being an outright cure.  If you desire an absolute solution and would like to completely remove STRESS from of your life, on all levels, the approach below is the only cure.


That’s right, meditation. If you live in the Western Society it is highly probable that you have a highly distorted view of what meditation really is. Generally, people living in the West fall into the following categories.

  1. People who have never hear of meditation. Period. They are completely oblivious to what that even is.
  2. People who have heard of it, but believe it is a useless exercise. They see no point in the subject matter. They would rather do Yoga then to meditate.
  3. People who know exactly what meditation is, have tried it before, but have failed to gauge the benefits of it. Quitting shortly thereafter.
  4. People who have made meditation their daily practice. Typically, they see the benefits of it, but they can’t stop themselves from having the latest and the greatest when it comes to meditation. They have the most comfortable mat, the best “meditation music” and they constantly join various meditation groups.
  5. Finally, we have hard core mediators. These are the people who make meditation their primary concern in life.

What’s interesting is that most of the people above miss the mark. No matter to what category you belong to, chances are, you have missed the true purpose of meditation by at least a mile. Let’s start at the beginning while being as blunt as possible. That is without using all of the “mystic” mumbo jumbo found in most religions and spiritual texts.

Yet, as the warning in the beginning of the book suggested, there is no way to verify any of this. The only way to verify is through your own experience.For instance, no one can explain to you, no matter how vividly, what it feels like to be hit in the head with a baseball flying at 100 MPS. The pain associated with such an incident can only be experienced when you are actually hit with a baseball flying at such a speed. Same thing applies to mediation and its eventual outcome. It must be experienced, not talked about.

Meditation has been a key part of most Eastern Cultures, particularly those in India, long before the first page of the Old Testament was written.  Perhaps it has been with us longer than the latest evolution of the human being.  Some apes are known to exhibit meditative behaviors, although that has never been proven.  Well, it cannot be proven. Either way, key questions remain.  What is the purpose of meditation, why has the practice survived for tens of thousands of years and how does it really work?

Let’s attempt to find some straight answers.

To Be Continued On Monday….(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Website?)


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What Falling In Love With Stress Really Means


Continuation from yesterday……(How Human Body Recharges Itself When You Sleep)

That is what I mean by “Fall In Love With Stress”.  It doesn’t mean that you should fall in love with things that bring STRESS into your life. It simply means to fall in love with the underlying energy. To understand that the energy within you does not cause STRESS. It is simply energy. It is your unconscious thoughts and filters that turn this energy into STRESS. And once your understand that your STRESS energy is no different from your joy energy, you will fall in love with it. Again, with the energy itself and not STRESS. And that will give you an ability to transform it into whatever you want.

Let me give you an example. Imagine for a second that your boss just insulted you in the worst possible way while demanding that you finish a massive project by tomorrow morning. At this point not only will you be furious, you will also be under a significant amount of STRESS.  Your blood will literally be at a boiling point. What happens behind scenes at this stage becomes incredibly important. Due to your altercation with your boss, your energy reservoir will dump a massive amount of energy into your body/mind system.  As if the floodgates were opened. You mind, thought patterns, emotions, feelings and other filters will then take this energy and immediately transform it into STRESS. In less time than it takes a speeding bullet to hit its target.

As this energy begins to vibrate at STRESS frequency, it impacts your entire body on multiple levels. It begins to create various negative thought chains and spirals, it begins to increase your heart rate and perspiration, it jams your rational thinking processes and it even changes your entire aura. In short, you become STRESS or STRESS becomes you.

Luckily, there is a simple way to stop the entire process in its tracks. Event to transform this energy into something positive. All you have to do is to follow the exercise below.


Here is what I want you to do. The next time you become extremely upset, fearful, angry, jealous or otherwise full of STRESS energies, I want you to…..

  1. Become fully aware that you are in the state of STRESS. That certain energies have been released within you and you are now vibrating at the frequency associate with STRESS.
  2. Separate yourself from this state of STRESS within your body/mind configuration and become an observer. This step is identical to observing your own thoughts.
  3. As you observe STRESS try to understand what thought patterns, feelings, emotions or outside factors led to your energy reservoir being released and that energy then converted to STRESS frequency. Go as deep as you can in an attempt to find the trigger point.
  4. Fall in love with the energy. Dismiss the STRESS part and be grateful for a massive amount of energy surging through your body at the time. Comprehend that you now have the ability to transform the underlying energy into whatever it is that you want. Perhaps into something positive.
  5. Begin the transformation process as covered in latter parts of this book.

And the result?

Do this often enough and you will notice two things. First, once the process above is executed, you can then use excess energy in your body towards other purposes.  Second, over time all STRESS related energies will vanish into thin air. Your constant awareness insures that.  Essentially, your mind and body configuration will realize that you are paying attention through awareness and it will stop producing STRESS related thoughts, feelings, emotions and frequencies as there would be no need for them.

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How Human Body Recharges Itself When You Sleep


Continuation from yesterday…….(Why You Should Fall In Love With Stress)

You can think about it in the following fashion. If you are in your car it is highly probable that you tend to switch radio stations fairly often by pushing buttons on the dashboard.  By doing so you switch between a range of various radio wave frequencies.  Let’s simply call this wave frequency range a “Radio Wave”. So, it is not the change in the “Radio Wave” but the change in frequency that creates a wide range of seemingly separate radio stations available in your car. Yet, they are all coming out of one unified radio field. It is their frequency that separates them.

Your internal energies work in exactly the same fashion.  You have only one internal reservoir of energy. Think of it a giant energy storage tank in your belly.  The reason you cannot see it or feel it is because it is located at a higher dimension. The same reason our scientific community is having such a difficult time identifying Higgs Boson or “God” particle.  It is because such particles cannot be perceived in our 3-Dimensional reality. They can be theorized, but they cannot be attained on a physical level. A quantum jump into a higher dimension of perception is necessary.

Anyhow, your energy reservoir supplies you with the energy you need throughout the day. To support all of your bodily functions as well as some of your more intricate processes such as thinking, feeling and emotions. When you trigger STRESS energies or STRESS thought patterns/feelings/emotions, the energy stored within your tank simply takes the form attributed to STRESS. In other words, this unified energy field begins to vibrate at the frequency of STRESS. Yet, it doesn’t have to. If you understand how your internal energies work you can immediately transform your STRESS energies into love energies, into bliss energies, into joy or whatever else it is that you want.

The energy in your reservoir gets replenished through two channels.  Through your daily diet and more importantly, thought sleep. That right….sleep. Have you ever wondered why your body can go over 40 days without food and 5-10 days without water, yet it begins to literally fall apart if you don’t sleep for more than 3 days?  In fact, most people will find themselves on the death’s door step if they go without sleep for more than 3-5 days.

This has to do with what happens when you fall asleep. Traditional measures aside, when you fall into the state of deep sleep all of your thought process come to a screeching halt.  When that happens the true YOU is able to connect directly into the state of Universal Consciousness.  In other words, it is able to connect to the source.  This process recharges your internal being or your internal energy reservoir.  And that is why sleep is a necessity that is more valuable than food, water or all the gold at Fort Knox.   You can think of this as recharging your cell phone battery. Except in this case, instead of connecting your phone to a power outlet you connect your being (the real YOU) to the source of all. Storing just enough energy needed for all of your daily functions.

Back to STRESS. Again, STRESS energies come out of this unified energy reservoir within you as pure energy. That is before assuming the form or the rate of vibration associated with STRESS.

How does that happen?

If you are unaware of how the process works, your unconscious thoughts, feelings and emotions will transform this energy immediately into STRESS. Without you even realizing the fact. Bringing all of the negative connotations associated with it along for the ride.


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