Continuation from yesterday…..(How Care Triggers Stress)
That’s how cunning the mind is. If left unchecked it will destroy you from the inside out. In this particular case, as we become aware of the mind’s inner workings we can begin to understand how desire and care work. How they bring STESS into our realm of consciousness. Then, by turning them off we can eliminate STRESS from our daily lives.
Investment field presents us with another perfect example. For instance, you might have done a tremendous amount of research on a company that manufactures guillotines, Guillotine Inc (HEAD) and you believe that their stock price is about to surge. You make an investment and in doing so you project a state of a successful outcome well into the future. You believe, care and desire for this stock to go much higher. So much so that at least in your mind no other outcome is possible. Simply put, a different outcome would challenge your intelligence and would turn you into a failure. That is why when the stock or your investment thesis begin to fail, STRESS is not that far behind. As our Jimmy J’s example above so clearly showed.
Again, simple awareness is the answer here. By being aware of how desire and care bring STRESS into your life, you will be able to avoid them. There are a number of things to consider here.
- Be aware of how desire and care work. Watch your thoughts and desires very carefully. While it will take some time, fairly soon you will be able to catch most of them with ease. What’s more, given enough time you will begin to understand how the mind works and how cunning it can be.
- Observe your thoughts, desires and cares. Do not fight them. Do not suppress them. That would actually be counterproductive. Simply observe them and try to understand where they are coming from.
- Dissociate yourself from your desires and cares. At the very least do not project them into the future. Shift into the state of NOW and understand that the desires and cares your mind is trying to generate are pointless. They are not real. They are imaginary outcomes.
As you do all of the above, most of your cares and desires will vanish. Taking STRESS associated energies along with them. More importantly, as you continue to carefully watch your thought patterns you will gain a deep understanding of how your mind really works and how it tries to undermine your overall being on the consistent basis.
As crazy as it sound, this approach to STRESS elimination can work miracles. While only a general introduction to the subject matter will be provided, it is a truly powerful way to eliminate all STRESS from your life.
As was suggested earlier, everything in the Universe and its dimensional architecture is made out of energy. As above so is below. That includes your body, mind, thoughts, feelings, emotions and even your beliefs. Further, different feelings and emotions within your body and mind architecture are represented by this same energy. Technically, there is no difference between fear, anger, stress, jealousy or a million other different emotions or thoughts. They are all represented by one energy field. The difference stems from their rate of vibration within the machines.
To Be Continued Tomorrow……(Why Am I Seeing This On A Financial Site?)